First, I apologize for not posting an entry yesterday. When I woke up Wednesday morning, my modem was giving me a YLOD (Yellow Light of Death). I had no idea that my modem had yellow lights. So I called the phone company and after determining that my modem was indeed dead, they shipped a new one out to me. And I received it just a couple hours ago, after the person I spoke to said it would arrive tomorrow. I guess they really like my money each month.
I learned a couple things during my time without Internet service. First, the world still turns without Internet service. Second, I need a working modem for my PS3 to connect to the Internet. I thought that maybe I could just bypass the modem by directly connecting the PS3 to the phone line. It didn't work.
I also learned that I had a lot more time playing video games by not being on the Internet so much. And so, I spent a majority of my time playing video games.
I played and completed a game I had never played before yesterday. I played Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures, and completed the entire game. As I said before, I had never played it before; so I had no idea what it was about. I assumed it would be about the characters' journey to find jaw breakers (which seemed to be a main staple in the show's plot), and cause a lot of trouble while doing so.
For its time, it was pretty nice graphically. I liked how they included animated scenes along with the CG gameplay. Gameplay was pretty simple, seeing as how I was able to finish the entire game in a few short hours. I liked how they made use of each of the three main characters, and gave each of them their own special ability and weapons. My favorite character from both the show and the game is Edd. In the game, he was the only character to actually leave the group and venture off on his own. I liked that.
My only problem with the game was that it was such a short game. It only had eight levels, and each were easy to get through. I do see why the developers did that. Since their audience was a younger demographic, they have to set the difficulty lower than what a game for teens or adults would be set for.
After that, I decided to start on a playthrough of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It is going to be a game that will take a long time to complete, even if I were to just stick with the main story questline. Of course, I don't want to do just the main quest for this game. I have already become Grand Champion of the Arena, and I am also a member of both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. I am playing as a Nord Healer. It's not a typical class for a Nord character, but I rarely play to the types best suited for the races. I did however go away from my normal Breton race to a Nord one. So that's different than usual.
Right now, my character is standing in front of the doorway to the Shimmering Isles. I am not sure if I want to go in or not. I just have so much I could do that I can't decide. Other than that, I have to go to Weynon Priory and deliver the Amulet, and to Cheydinhal for the Dark Brotherhood, and sell my stolen loot to Ongar in Bruma, and a whole bunch of other things.
As for the playthroughs for both The Adventure of Link and Pokemon FireRed, they have stagnated. It's not that I don't want to play them, because I do; it's just that TAoL is so difficult, and FireRed is a game that I have played so much that the story is stale for me. Although, now that I know there are more Pokemon in FireRed than what I originally thought, I am kinda psyched about playing it. I had no idea that Ho-oh, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, and Raikou were obtainable in the game. And that there were areas other than the Sevii Islands and Kanto Region. I really want to see those areas and those Pokemon!
I am planning on working on The Adventure of Link this weekend. I can't let the second dungeon defeat me. That is what the third dungeon is supposed to do. Other than that, I want to work on some of the game files I have on my PS3 that are unfinished. There are quite a few on there just taking up space on my hard drive. Not only will I count them on the completed list, but I can then get rid of them to make room for the other PS3 games I want to play.
Well, that's all I have for today. So, until tomorrow, have fun playing whatever it is that you play!
I learned a couple things during my time without Internet service. First, the world still turns without Internet service. Second, I need a working modem for my PS3 to connect to the Internet. I thought that maybe I could just bypass the modem by directly connecting the PS3 to the phone line. It didn't work.
I also learned that I had a lot more time playing video games by not being on the Internet so much. And so, I spent a majority of my time playing video games.

For its time, it was pretty nice graphically. I liked how they included animated scenes along with the CG gameplay. Gameplay was pretty simple, seeing as how I was able to finish the entire game in a few short hours. I liked how they made use of each of the three main characters, and gave each of them their own special ability and weapons. My favorite character from both the show and the game is Edd. In the game, he was the only character to actually leave the group and venture off on his own. I liked that.
My only problem with the game was that it was such a short game. It only had eight levels, and each were easy to get through. I do see why the developers did that. Since their audience was a younger demographic, they have to set the difficulty lower than what a game for teens or adults would be set for.
After that, I decided to start on a playthrough of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It is going to be a game that will take a long time to complete, even if I were to just stick with the main story questline. Of course, I don't want to do just the main quest for this game. I have already become Grand Champion of the Arena, and I am also a member of both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. I am playing as a Nord Healer. It's not a typical class for a Nord character, but I rarely play to the types best suited for the races. I did however go away from my normal Breton race to a Nord one. So that's different than usual.
Right now, my character is standing in front of the doorway to the Shimmering Isles. I am not sure if I want to go in or not. I just have so much I could do that I can't decide. Other than that, I have to go to Weynon Priory and deliver the Amulet, and to Cheydinhal for the Dark Brotherhood, and sell my stolen loot to Ongar in Bruma, and a whole bunch of other things.
As for the playthroughs for both The Adventure of Link and Pokemon FireRed, they have stagnated. It's not that I don't want to play them, because I do; it's just that TAoL is so difficult, and FireRed is a game that I have played so much that the story is stale for me. Although, now that I know there are more Pokemon in FireRed than what I originally thought, I am kinda psyched about playing it. I had no idea that Ho-oh, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, and Raikou were obtainable in the game. And that there were areas other than the Sevii Islands and Kanto Region. I really want to see those areas and those Pokemon!
I am planning on working on The Adventure of Link this weekend. I can't let the second dungeon defeat me. That is what the third dungeon is supposed to do. Other than that, I want to work on some of the game files I have on my PS3 that are unfinished. There are quite a few on there just taking up space on my hard drive. Not only will I count them on the completed list, but I can then get rid of them to make room for the other PS3 games I want to play.
Well, that's all I have for today. So, until tomorrow, have fun playing whatever it is that you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
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