Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 17: A laugh.

My gaming today was mainly spent on multiplayer games.

My brother was stuck watching the kid from yesterday again today.  So to shove his endless barrage of questions to someone else, I put my headset on him and told him to start talking to the people he could here while we played Need for Speed: Most Wanted.  I was afraid to do this at first, because of the language some of the others can use during play.  But most of the adults in his life talk the same way, so it couldn't be any more harmful.

For the first ten minutes, no one else would talk.  They probably didn't have headsets or something.  All I could hear was the kid yelling "Hello!  Can you hear me?  Hey, talk to me!"  By the end of it, a gamer started talking to him in French.  I translated what the guy said to him, and luckily none of it was bad.  He was surprisingly polite and nice.

After the kid went home, I played Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer.  And for the majority of it, all I could hear was someone going, "Hello!  Can you hear me?  Hey, talk to me!"  This time from one of my opponents.  I don't talk a lot when I play multiplayer.  I choose to use the others chatter to my advantage and analyze their play style.  A lot can be discovered about a person that way.  Things like their current position, how they react to changing game scenarios, and especially how they change their play styles when they are given a barrage of deaths.

It's like I am playing against someone beside me instead of someone in another part of the world.  I would definitely do a better job if I could also monitor their body language, but the disadvantage to that is they could also find my patterns and weaknesses as well in that situation.  That's why I don't even inform them I have a headset.  In the waiting rooms, I try not to show that my headset is on.  I turn it on once the game begins.

And now you know how I play.  If you are interested, I am me3lingual on PSN.  Feel free to send me an invite or something.  If I have the game, I will play with you.  And with that, I hope you have fun in whatever it is you will play in the coming day.

Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎

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