Ticker (Patrat): Level - 11 Nature - Serious Ability - Keen Eye
HP - 34 Attack - 18 Defense - 16
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 14 Speed - 17

Gauner (Purrloin): Level - 11 Nature - Lonely Ability - Limber
HP - 30 Attack - 18 Defense - 12
Sp. Atk - 16 Sp. Def - 13 Speed - 23
Bernard (Lillipup): Level - 11 Nature - Naughty Ability - Vital Spirit
HP - 33 Attack - 19 Defense - 17
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 15 Speed - 18
Odor Sleuth
Beowawe (Panpour): Level - 11 Nature - Serious Ability - Gluttony
HP - 33 Attack - 19 Defense - 18
Sp. Atk - 19 Sp. Def - 17 Speed - 20
Water Gun
Aspira (Munna): Level - 11 Nature - Jolly Ability - Forewarn
HP - 40 Attack - 11 Defense - 15
Sp. Atk - 18 Sp. Def - 18 Speed - 13
Lucky Chant
Slither (Snivy): Level - 12 Nature - Timid Ability - Overgrow
HP - 36 Attack - 16 Defense - 18
Sp. Atk - 16 Sp. Def - 20 Speed - 24
Vine Whip
I want to try and choose moves that fit their natures, so I have been reading up on strategies and stuff. And I tried to give nicknames to the Pokémon that fit their appearance. Ticker because it reminds me of a clock. Gauner is German for thief. Bernard because of St. Bernard dogs. Beowawe is a geyser field in Nevada. Aspira is short for aspiration, a synonym for dream. And Slither because it's final form looks like a snake.
I battled against someone today. And I lost horribly. Who was I to think that I could take on someone with three Level 11 Pokémon? My opponent did play it out a little in the beginning by choosing to use stat boost moves and let me get a few HP of damage on their first Pokémon. And then I got lucky that the accuracy of the move they used was low and I got to live a few extra turns. But then it was one KO after another.
Tomorrow I will be taking my DS to work with me that way I won't be bored in the event that I have to wait for the materials to show up or for me to pick up my check. I have the DS on the charger now just so there's little chance of the battery going dead while I am playing tomorrow.
I also got to the Monkey Blue fight in Ape Escape 3. Of all of the bosses in that game, Blue is probably my least favorite. I can never figure out his pattern of attack.
Finally tonight, the Osu! World Cup registration phase is going well. As of the time this is posted, there are 9 teams signed up for competing. There's Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden now in the running. I have compiled the stats for the teams, but I haven't done anything with them yet. At first glance, it looks like Argentina and Poland have the best chance of winning. But there is still plenty of time for some big powerhouse teams (South Korea, Japan) to come in and sign up.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
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