There wasn't a whole lot of gaming done today. I continued to help my friend get his Platinum trophy for Need for Speed: Most Wanted today. It was a lot of fun. Toward the end, a PSN friend of mine joined our game, and made me go from 2nd Place to 3rd Place. I am not good at racing games at all!
The group stages have been announced for the Osu! World Cup. The United States is in Group H along with Latvia, Italy, and New Zealand. The U.S. team is ranked as one of the top seeded teams, so the chance that they'll move on to the Knockout Stage is high. However, you never can tell.
I explored a little more of Castelia City in Pokémon White while I was waiting around at work today. Other than that, I played some GTA Online, and earned enough money to buy a garage. Now I have somewhere to park my car. Whenever I figure out how to use the ID thing on my car and find it.
Tomorrow I think I will play either Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, or Final Fantasy XIII or XIII-2. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Join me as I take a journey to finish every video game I own. Feel free to offer advice whenever you want. It's clear that I couldn't finish these games without some help; so if you want to help out, I am all for it.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Day 122: Trophy Hunting
I started the day playing Metal Gear Solid 2. I am nearly finished with Solid Snake's part of the game. After that, I downloaded the new maps for Osu!. I also played some multiplayer.
After that, I worked on Pokémon White. I leveled up some of my party. I exchanged Timburr for Woobat.
The main game I played today was Need for Speed: Most Wanted. A friend asked for my help in getting a few trophies in multiplayer. I was happy to help. However, I didn't have the latest update of the game. And for some reason, it takes forever for NFS:MW updates to download. I had to wait most of the day for it to finish. The worst part was that power went out while it was downloading the first time. I had to start all over and do it again.
Anyway, we played for a while. We each earned a few trophies.
Well, I have work in the morning, and so I am going to end this here for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
After that, I worked on Pokémon White. I leveled up some of my party. I exchanged Timburr for Woobat.
The main game I played today was Need for Speed: Most Wanted. A friend asked for my help in getting a few trophies in multiplayer. I was happy to help. However, I didn't have the latest update of the game. And for some reason, it takes forever for NFS:MW updates to download. I had to wait most of the day for it to finish. The worst part was that power went out while it was downloading the first time. I had to start all over and do it again.
Anyway, we played for a while. We each earned a few trophies.
Well, I have work in the morning, and so I am going to end this here for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Day 121: Overwhelmed
Today was spent wishing that I could play fifty games at once. That seems to be the only way I can finish the challenge. I have so many games I am working on, and lots more that I haven't even started. And then with real life stuff as well, it's like there just isn't any chance of completing this thing.
I try to stay positive and laid back about the whole thing, playing it off as if I don't mind knowing that I won't finish the challenge, but you have to understand that I rarely start something that I can't finish. So, knowing that I won't be able to complete this challenge upsets me. And when you get a game that no matter how hard I try to finish like Xenosaga Episode I, it frustrates me to no end. That and Final Fantasy XIII are at the top of my list of games that I wouldn't mind using as target practice or frisbees.
And it doesn't help that the majority of the games I have take so long to finish. Like, why do I like RPGs so much!? Yeah, they have great stories and stuff, but they aren't really made for something like this challenge.
Anyway, tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to try my best to play as much as possible. I don't have anything going on that I know of, so I will aim for finishing something.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I try to stay positive and laid back about the whole thing, playing it off as if I don't mind knowing that I won't finish the challenge, but you have to understand that I rarely start something that I can't finish. So, knowing that I won't be able to complete this challenge upsets me. And when you get a game that no matter how hard I try to finish like Xenosaga Episode I, it frustrates me to no end. That and Final Fantasy XIII are at the top of my list of games that I wouldn't mind using as target practice or frisbees.
And it doesn't help that the majority of the games I have take so long to finish. Like, why do I like RPGs so much!? Yeah, they have great stories and stuff, but they aren't really made for something like this challenge.
Anyway, tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to try my best to play as much as possible. I don't have anything going on that I know of, so I will aim for finishing something.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 120: Where does he put it all?
I spent a huge portion of the day playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. While I was playing and leveling up, a though crossed my mind. Where does my character put all of the things he carries? I mean, other than his bow, quiver, and what equipment he wears, none of it shows. And considering he has a lot of potions, alchemy supplies, food, and books as well as backup weapons and armor, the backpack needed to carry all of it must be massive. Especially considering he is carrying 210 pounds with him. I mean, when a bandit comes up to him demanding he turn over all his gold, my character can't just go and ask the bandit to give him a minute so he can dig it out of his pockets. You know, maybe that's why the bandit is coming up to him demanding the gold and threatening to kill him. After all, what threat is someone who is carrying so much stuff that he can't see where he's going?
Right now, my character is in Cheydinhal trying to complete a quest from the Thieves Guild. I am also part of the Mages Guild now, and already have one recommendation (Bruma) in the bag. He is currently at Level 4.
Anyway, back to my original point. It isn't just the character in this game that journeys without some sort of luggage. Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid somehow has guns and hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammunition on his person near the end of the game. Where does he put that Stinger Missile launcher? Not to mention the PSG-1, FAMAS, and all of those rations. And what about the characters from Final Fantasy games? 99 of every item available and yet none of them have some kind of case or bag to hold them.
I would love to see a game where the party has a visible backpack or something containing their belongings. Something I'd like to see more of is the changing of appearance due to different equipment on the characters. Bethesda is on top of that. I wish it would be a part of JRPGs. It just isn't enough that the weapon changes. If they allow the weapon to change, then the equipment should also change.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Right now, my character is in Cheydinhal trying to complete a quest from the Thieves Guild. I am also part of the Mages Guild now, and already have one recommendation (Bruma) in the bag. He is currently at Level 4.
Anyway, back to my original point. It isn't just the character in this game that journeys without some sort of luggage. Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid somehow has guns and hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammunition on his person near the end of the game. Where does he put that Stinger Missile launcher? Not to mention the PSG-1, FAMAS, and all of those rations. And what about the characters from Final Fantasy games? 99 of every item available and yet none of them have some kind of case or bag to hold them.
I would love to see a game where the party has a visible backpack or something containing their belongings. Something I'd like to see more of is the changing of appearance due to different equipment on the characters. Bethesda is on top of that. I wish it would be a part of JRPGs. It just isn't enough that the weapon changes. If they allow the weapon to change, then the equipment should also change.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, October 28, 2013
Day 119: I am an idiot sometimes.
I learned today that I am able to go back up the elevator in Xenosaga Episode I without having to battle all of those Gnosis again. That is great news! It made getting my butt kicked by the final boss not as frustrating. I tried several times today to win, but still couldn't do it. Each time I made it to the final fight, but I lost when a sudden Dark Omen attack occurred. I never had a chance to prepare for the blast. If I could have guarded, I could probably have won.
I have made it to Castelia City in Pokémon White. I finally got out of the woods in Pinwheel Forest. Now, I will challenge the Gym, and hopefully move on quickly. I am almost to the point where I stopped playing the first time. As for my Pokémon, I have evolved a couple. I have Servine now, as well as a Musharna. There are also that a few should be evolving soon.
And then I spent several hours playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I did a couple quests, but nothing pertaining to the main story. I joined the Thieves Guild. Right now, my character is only at Level 2 with the Assassin job class. I really like the experience system in Oblivion compared to that of Skyrim. I think when I continue playing it (whenever that will be), I will try and work on the main story.
However, I am really wanting to get Xenosaga Episode I finished first. I just have to be even more defensive than I already am.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I have made it to Castelia City in Pokémon White. I finally got out of the woods in Pinwheel Forest. Now, I will challenge the Gym, and hopefully move on quickly. I am almost to the point where I stopped playing the first time. As for my Pokémon, I have evolved a couple. I have Servine now, as well as a Musharna. There are also that a few should be evolving soon.
And then I spent several hours playing The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I did a couple quests, but nothing pertaining to the main story. I joined the Thieves Guild. Right now, my character is only at Level 2 with the Assassin job class. I really like the experience system in Oblivion compared to that of Skyrim. I think when I continue playing it (whenever that will be), I will try and work on the main story.
However, I am really wanting to get Xenosaga Episode I finished first. I just have to be even more defensive than I already am.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Day 118: Fragments
I have been collecting fragments in Final Fantasy XIII-2 off and on all day today. One thing I know about this game is that even though I have spoiled the ending, I still am so surprised at how this story is going to reach the ending. For instance, I never thought I would be opening up new timelines. I thought it would just be going from one place to another. I didn't expect that the game would have the chance to see the effects of my actions throughout the story.
Mog is probably my favorite character in the game. I just like him so much. Especially when he gets thrown to fetch the treasure. And all of the fragments about him are so funny. Like the one where he talks about how he went up against Lightning and lost.
Anyway, I have I think 23 fragments now. I have recently unlocked the casino area and a couple others, if that gives you an idea as to my current position in the game.
I also played Osu! today, working on improving my ranks in both the monthly competitions as well as the overall standings. I saw today that I was knocked off the Taiko competition leaderboard, and I wasranked #40 in osu!mania. There are still about three weeks to improve my standings in the competitions. It will be difficult, at least in osu!mania. There are only two songs in the competition, which means there's only a maximum of two million points possible. I currently have 1,164,453. And considering the difficulties of those songs, I was lucky to get that amount. As for Taiko, there are nine songs, but I don't know how they get so many points. I don't think I have much of a chance on getting back on that leaderboard.
As for the overall standings, I am currently #11,879 in the world, and #653 in America. I am still working on going through my library of maps and playing the ones I haven't tried in a long time. And I still download the newest maps as the become approved and ranked. I like having first place in a map, even if for only a short time.
Well, that's all the gaming news I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Mog is probably my favorite character in the game. I just like him so much. Especially when he gets thrown to fetch the treasure. And all of the fragments about him are so funny. Like the one where he talks about how he went up against Lightning and lost.
Anyway, I have I think 23 fragments now. I have recently unlocked the casino area and a couple others, if that gives you an idea as to my current position in the game.
I also played Osu! today, working on improving my ranks in both the monthly competitions as well as the overall standings. I saw today that I was knocked off the Taiko competition leaderboard, and I wasranked #40 in osu!mania. There are still about three weeks to improve my standings in the competitions. It will be difficult, at least in osu!mania. There are only two songs in the competition, which means there's only a maximum of two million points possible. I currently have 1,164,453. And considering the difficulties of those songs, I was lucky to get that amount. As for Taiko, there are nine songs, but I don't know how they get so many points. I don't think I have much of a chance on getting back on that leaderboard.
As for the overall standings, I am currently #11,879 in the world, and #653 in America. I am still working on going through my library of maps and playing the ones I haven't tried in a long time. And I still download the newest maps as the become approved and ranked. I like having first place in a map, even if for only a short time.
Well, that's all the gaming news I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 117: Dust Collecting
Today I played a little of Final Fantasy XIII-2. I managed to defeat the flan-thing that Snow is fight when you first get to 300 A.F. I somehow stuck it out long enough to defeat it. And it was on the first try as well. After that, I got two artefacts, and discovered two new times. And then I discovered yet another new time when I went to the Coliseum.
I think that will be my main game for tomorrow. I also want to try Xenosaga Episode I once more. Maybe after these last few days of not thinking about it will allow me to win finally.
I am also starting yet another attempt at finishing the main story of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Other than that, I spent the day sleeping. I really need to try and catch up on my sleep. Since I am still in the Pinwheel Forest, sleep will be the only thing I catch tonight. Anyway, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I think that will be my main game for tomorrow. I also want to try Xenosaga Episode I once more. Maybe after these last few days of not thinking about it will allow me to win finally.
I am also starting yet another attempt at finishing the main story of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Other than that, I spent the day sleeping. I really need to try and catch up on my sleep. Since I am still in the Pinwheel Forest, sleep will be the only thing I catch tonight. Anyway, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, October 25, 2013
Day 116: My Eyes Hurt.
The only gaming I did today was checking to see if my copy of Kingdom Hearts Re: Coded works. It arrived in the mail today. When I got home from work, my eyes felt like they wanted to melt, so I slept a long time. I even answered the phone today and don't remember what I said or who or what the person on the other end was or said. I was just so tired when I got home.
Anyway, I am done buying video games. At least for a while. If all goes well, I will only have to purchase the two newest Final Fantasy games (Lightning Returns and XV) when they are released. I really hope I win a copy of X/X-2 HD. It will save me $40.
But until then, I still have so many games I need to play. Tomorrow should be filled with all sorts of gaming done. I wish I could say that I have a game I can one shot and play through tomorrow, but I don't think I do. If I did, I would be more than happy to do it just to get it checked off the list. Oh well. I will think of something.
Anyway, the poll for the Talent Competition ends at 3:30pm EDST tomorrow (Friday). That's give you all about 13 hours to sign up as a member of EnixOrigin forums, and vote for me. I really hope you vote for me!
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Anyway, I am done buying video games. At least for a while. If all goes well, I will only have to purchase the two newest Final Fantasy games (Lightning Returns and XV) when they are released. I really hope I win a copy of X/X-2 HD. It will save me $40.
But until then, I still have so many games I need to play. Tomorrow should be filled with all sorts of gaming done. I wish I could say that I have a game I can one shot and play through tomorrow, but I don't think I do. If I did, I would be more than happy to do it just to get it checked off the list. Oh well. I will think of something.
Anyway, the poll for the Talent Competition ends at 3:30pm EDST tomorrow (Friday). That's give you all about 13 hours to sign up as a member of EnixOrigin forums, and vote for me. I really hope you vote for me!
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Day 115: Still playing in the woods...
I think I need to develop a new playing style in Pokémon White. This whole "I must walk through every patch of grass" is taking forever. I am still in the Pinwheel Forest trying to stop the thieves and return the Dragon Skull. Honestly, if I was Team Plasma, I would have left the forest already. After 3 days, I still haven't made it to your location.
And all of those random battles! I go one step and a Pokémon just has to come out and attack me. Isn't it enough proof that I am not one to be messed with having defeated your friend just one step ago? Why must you up and attack me? Revenge, maybe? And it's all those Sewaddles and Petitlils.
Anyway, I am hope that this time tomorrow I will not be the forest. I will probably play until I leave for town in a few hours.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Also, the final voting has started for the Talent Competition I entered. If you could, vote for me by going here. I really want to win, and I can only do so by getting more votes. And in case you haven't seen my entries for the three rounds of the competition, here they are:
And all of those random battles! I go one step and a Pokémon just has to come out and attack me. Isn't it enough proof that I am not one to be messed with having defeated your friend just one step ago? Why must you up and attack me? Revenge, maybe? And it's all those Sewaddles and Petitlils.
Anyway, I am hope that this time tomorrow I will not be the forest. I will probably play until I leave for town in a few hours.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Also, the final voting has started for the Talent Competition I entered. If you could, vote for me by going here. I really want to win, and I can only do so by getting more votes. And in case you haven't seen my entries for the three rounds of the competition, here they are:
Round 1
Round 2
And the Final Round
(Apparently it is unable to find it, which sucks. Here is the link though.)
Anyway, I really need the votes, and I would appreciated it if you'd go and vote for me. It really means a lot!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Day 114: Traipsing through the Woods
Today I did little in the gaming stuff. I played a little Final Fantasy XIII, and a little Pokémon White. I also played a little Osu!. I didn't accomplish much in any of the games I played, but I still played. I tried to play more, but things would keep popping up and preventing me from doing that.
Anyway, I am nearing the end of the Titan Trials in Final Fantasy XIII. I am glad there are Save Points, because I would have hated to start over there.
And I am still in the forest trying to stop Team Plasma from taking off with the Dragon Skull.
And I increase my overall osu!mania ranking, even though I fell down the leaderboard in the monthly competitions.
So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, October 21, 2013
Day 113: Nacrene Gym
I played several games today. This morning I began a save file for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix. I don't actually know the differences between the original and this "final mix". Today I started as usual playthroughs of the game begin, I gather materials for a raft. I also battled Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka. They were considerably easier to defeat than normal. Maybe it's because I have been playing the game for a few years, and know how to dodge their attacks or deflect them with my wooden sword. I don't know. I also defeated Riku, which was also easier since I remember his attack pattern.
Then I managed to advance two Save Points in Final Fantasy XIII. This was amazing, because I haven't advance to the next Save Point in nearly six months. The party has been stuck at the same spot for so long. You know, it makes me think that if the characters were real, what they would be doing when the player stops playing for a time.
And finally, I am right in front of the second Gym Leader in Pokémon White. I have added Tim Burton (Timburr) and P-itch (Throh) to my party, replacing Gauner (Purrloin) and Bernard (Lillipup). I think I am ready to face her. And I think I will battle her while I am writing this to give you a kind of play-by-play. So, here we go...
Trainer Michael vs. Gym Leader Lenora
1. Ticker (Patrat) Level 15 vs. Herdier Level 18
Herdier used Takedown
Ticker uses CUT
Ticker is switched with Slither (Servine)
Herdier uses Takedown
Slither vs. Herdier
Slither uses Leaf Tornado
Herdier uses Takedown
Slither fainted.
Tim Burton (Timburr) is called out.
Tim Burton vs. Herdier
Lenora used Super Potion
Tim Burton uses Low Kick
Herdier uses Takedown
Tim Burton uses Low Kick
Herdier fainted.
Watchog Level 20 is called out.
Tim Burton vs. Watchog.
Michael uses Super Potion
Watchog uses Retaliate.
Tim Burton fainted.
P-itch (Throh) is called out.
P-itch vs. Watchog
Watchog uses Retaliate
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses Chesto Berry
Watchog uses Retaliate.
Michael uses Super Potion.
Watchog uses Crunch.
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses chesto Berry
Watchog uses retaliate.
Michael uses Super Potion
Watchog uses Retaliate
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses Chesto Berry
Watchog uses Crunch
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Watchog uses crunch
Watchog uses crunch
Watchog uses crunch
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Michael uses Fresh Water
Watchog uses hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep
Watchog uses Crunch
Watchog uses Crunch
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Watchog uses Hypnosis.
P-itch avoids the attack
P-itch uses Seismic Toss.
Watchog fainted.
Trainer Michael WINS!
That was a difficult battle. I guess I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. Oh well. The good thing is that I won. Anyway, the game is saved, and I should finish this entry. Tomorrow I want to work on Final Fantasy XIII some more.
Before I close, the results were announced for the monthly Osu! competition today. Though I didn't win, I did make it on the Top 40 Leaderboard! I finished the month in 34th Place. And the next competition has already started. And, look at this...
Yep, that's me at the #1 Position after completing the two beatmaps in this month's competition. Since this screenshot was taken, I have fallen into 2nd Place. I am very close to the top spot though, I may be able to take it back. Also, I am currently in 4th Place in the Taiko competition as well. I am not too worried about that one, because I don't think I will be able to increase my score any more than it already is. But the osu!mania one, that one I will try and win.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Then I managed to advance two Save Points in Final Fantasy XIII. This was amazing, because I haven't advance to the next Save Point in nearly six months. The party has been stuck at the same spot for so long. You know, it makes me think that if the characters were real, what they would be doing when the player stops playing for a time.
And finally, I am right in front of the second Gym Leader in Pokémon White. I have added Tim Burton (Timburr) and P-itch (Throh) to my party, replacing Gauner (Purrloin) and Bernard (Lillipup). I think I am ready to face her. And I think I will battle her while I am writing this to give you a kind of play-by-play. So, here we go...
Trainer Michael vs. Gym Leader Lenora
1. Ticker (Patrat) Level 15 vs. Herdier Level 18
Herdier used Takedown
Ticker uses CUT
Ticker is switched with Slither (Servine)
Herdier uses Takedown
Slither vs. Herdier
Slither uses Leaf Tornado
Herdier uses Takedown
Slither fainted.
Tim Burton (Timburr) is called out.
Tim Burton vs. Herdier
Lenora used Super Potion
Tim Burton uses Low Kick
Herdier uses Takedown
Tim Burton uses Low Kick
Herdier fainted.
Watchog Level 20 is called out.
Tim Burton vs. Watchog.
Michael uses Super Potion
Watchog uses Retaliate.
Tim Burton fainted.
P-itch (Throh) is called out.
P-itch vs. Watchog
Watchog uses Retaliate
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses Chesto Berry
Watchog uses Retaliate.
Michael uses Super Potion.
Watchog uses Crunch.
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses chesto Berry
Watchog uses retaliate.
Michael uses Super Potion
Watchog uses Retaliate
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Michael uses Chesto Berry
Watchog uses Crunch
Watchog uses Hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep.
Watchog uses crunch
Watchog uses crunch
Watchog uses crunch
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Michael uses Fresh Water
Watchog uses hypnosis
P-itch falls asleep
Watchog uses Crunch
Watchog uses Crunch
P-itch uses Seismic Toss
Watchog uses Hypnosis.
P-itch avoids the attack
P-itch uses Seismic Toss.
Watchog fainted.
Trainer Michael WINS!
That was a difficult battle. I guess I wasn't as prepared as I should have been. Oh well. The good thing is that I won. Anyway, the game is saved, and I should finish this entry. Tomorrow I want to work on Final Fantasy XIII some more.
Before I close, the results were announced for the monthly Osu! competition today. Though I didn't win, I did make it on the Top 40 Leaderboard! I finished the month in 34th Place. And the next competition has already started. And, look at this...
Yep, that's me at the #1 Position after completing the two beatmaps in this month's competition. Since this screenshot was taken, I have fallen into 2nd Place. I am very close to the top spot though, I may be able to take it back. Also, I am currently in 4th Place in the Taiko competition as well. I am not too worried about that one, because I don't think I will be able to increase my score any more than it already is. But the osu!mania one, that one I will try and win.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Day 112: 112/1 Days
I tried to finish Xenosaga Episode I today. And again, I failed in my attempt. I managed to get Albedo's HP down to about 2,000. I guess that was a good attempt. After he powered up his Ether Attack, he one-shot KO'd Shion, Jr., and chaos. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a Save Point right there before the boss area. But no, I have to once again go down that elevator.
The only other gaming activity I did today was watch the cutscenes of 358/2 Days in order to get the six trophies associated with the game. It was okay. I still think it would have been better to just include the entire game instead of just the cutscenes and provide text of the story. Oh well.
Well, I am off to play Pokémon, maybe. I don't know. The only thing I do know is that what I play will NOT be Xenosaga Episode I. Not tonight, at least.
So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play?
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The only other gaming activity I did today was watch the cutscenes of 358/2 Days in order to get the six trophies associated with the game. It was okay. I still think it would have been better to just include the entire game instead of just the cutscenes and provide text of the story. Oh well.
Well, I am off to play Pokémon, maybe. I don't know. The only thing I do know is that what I play will NOT be Xenosaga Episode I. Not tonight, at least.
So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play?
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Day 111: The Monkeys are back in their Cages!
I finished the main story of Ape Escape 3. It was a fun game. Definitely something that kept me from being depressed that it rained most of the day today. I captured Specter and saw the ending credits. Now, I could continue playing, because there are monkeys that I didn't capture. But those are just lackeys. All they do is add to the completion percentage.
I played Osu! as well today. I played maps that I haven't played since my first few weeks as a player. I was very surprised to see some of those old scores. Some of them are really bad. But I definitely improved them today. One song gave me enough points to jump from #12,701 in the world ranking to #11,659. I am very happy with that. Right now though, I am #11,658 worldwide, and #643 in the United States. There are still so many maps I can improve on, so who knows where I'll be on the leaderboard when I am done.
In Osu! World Cup news, there are 19 teams pending acceptance into the tournament. There's also quite a discussion as to whether FL (Flashlight Mode) should be an accepted mode to play in. But it has moved from that to the fact that the rules state the slots for teams are first come, first serve; but some teams are not even being moved into the pending category, as if the organizers are waiting for other teams to apply. Now in my opinion this seems underhanded and shady. Nowhere in the rules does it state that positions in the tournament are reserved.
I am just glad that I am not competing. I feel sorry for the smaller or lesser known countries that applied and didn't get moved to pending. I think that every country that wants to compete should be given the chance. Even if it takes longer than what was planned to determine the winner.
I received Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and Pokémon Black 2 in the mail today. Both of them work perfectly. Other than that, I haven't had much of a chance to play them. Also, I tried and failed at reaching the final boss in Xenosaga Episode I once again today. I managed to get to the bottom of the elevator this time, though.
Well, tomorrow I will just try again. And that's about it for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I played Osu! as well today. I played maps that I haven't played since my first few weeks as a player. I was very surprised to see some of those old scores. Some of them are really bad. But I definitely improved them today. One song gave me enough points to jump from #12,701 in the world ranking to #11,659. I am very happy with that. Right now though, I am #11,658 worldwide, and #643 in the United States. There are still so many maps I can improve on, so who knows where I'll be on the leaderboard when I am done.
In Osu! World Cup news, there are 19 teams pending acceptance into the tournament. There's also quite a discussion as to whether FL (Flashlight Mode) should be an accepted mode to play in. But it has moved from that to the fact that the rules state the slots for teams are first come, first serve; but some teams are not even being moved into the pending category, as if the organizers are waiting for other teams to apply. Now in my opinion this seems underhanded and shady. Nowhere in the rules does it state that positions in the tournament are reserved.
I am just glad that I am not competing. I feel sorry for the smaller or lesser known countries that applied and didn't get moved to pending. I think that every country that wants to compete should be given the chance. Even if it takes longer than what was planned to determine the winner.
I received Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and Pokémon Black 2 in the mail today. Both of them work perfectly. Other than that, I haven't had much of a chance to play them. Also, I tried and failed at reaching the final boss in Xenosaga Episode I once again today. I managed to get to the bottom of the elevator this time, though.
Well, tomorrow I will just try again. And that's about it for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 110: Building a Team
The status on the Osu! World Cup hasn't changed since the last time updated. There are still only 9 teams competing so far. I guess the other countries are still trying to figure out who will be playing on the teams? I don't know.
I played Ape Escape 3 today. I am almost finished with the main story. I am at the point of the game after Monkey Pink runs away. Not a lot can be said about it, because I am not sticking around to hear the details. The game is easy to play, and I want a quick win so I can mark it off the list.
I also Pokémon White against today as well. I am getting ready to face the second Gym Leader. My main party hasn't changed, but it will as soon as I get to a PC to get access to my other Pokémon. Here are all of my new friends.
I played Ape Escape 3 today. I am almost finished with the main story. I am at the point of the game after Monkey Pink runs away. Not a lot can be said about it, because I am not sticking around to hear the details. The game is easy to play, and I want a quick win so I can mark it off the list.
I also Pokémon White against today as well. I am getting ready to face the second Gym Leader. My main party hasn't changed, but it will as soon as I get to a PC to get access to my other Pokémon. Here are all of my new friends.
It was much more difficult getting these pictures to line up than I thought.
Anyway, I want to put either Timburr or Throh on my party to combat the Normal-type Pokémon of the Gym Leader.
And that's about it. I am going to try and finish both Xenosaga Episode I and Ape Escape 3 tomorrow. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, October 18, 2013
Day 109: A Little Walk in Unova
The only gaming I did today was while I was waiting to get my check at work. I played Pokémon White, and all I did in the game was a few random battles in the tall grass. I saw a Pidove, but at the last second Ticker (Patrat) got a critical hit on Pidove and knocked it out. I haven't seen one since.
I learned that there are quite a few wi-fi spots near my location at work. This has changed a lot since the last time I used my DS at work.
Anyway, my goal for the weekend is to finish Xenosaga Episode I, and work on Ape Escape 3 and Pokémon White.
I am excited to get my newest game purchases. They should arrive in the beginning of next week. And with that, I have nothing else to report for tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I learned that there are quite a few wi-fi spots near my location at work. This has changed a lot since the last time I used my DS at work.
Anyway, my goal for the weekend is to finish Xenosaga Episode I, and work on Ape Escape 3 and Pokémon White.
I am excited to get my newest game purchases. They should arrive in the beginning of next week. And with that, I have nothing else to report for tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Day 108: My first PokéLoss.
Today I spent the majority of the day playing Pokémon White. Since I am able to trade and battle with others because my old modem works again, I picked up the game and started a new file. This time I chose to start with Snivy. I already have one badge. Here's how my team looks right now.
Ticker (Patrat): Level - 11 Nature - Serious Ability - Keen Eye
HP - 34 Attack - 18 Defense - 16
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 14 Speed - 17

Bernard (Lillipup): Level - 11 Nature - Naughty Ability - Vital Spirit
HP - 33 Attack - 19 Defense - 17
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 15 Speed - 18
Odor Sleuth
Aspira (Munna): Level - 11 Nature - Jolly Ability - Forewarn
HP - 40 Attack - 11 Defense - 15
Sp. Atk - 18 Sp. Def - 18 Speed - 13
Lucky Chant
I want to try and choose moves that fit their natures, so I have been reading up on strategies and stuff. And I tried to give nicknames to the Pokémon that fit their appearance. Ticker because it reminds me of a clock. Gauner is German for thief. Bernard because of St. Bernard dogs. Beowawe is a geyser field in Nevada. Aspira is short for aspiration, a synonym for dream. And Slither because it's final form looks like a snake.
I battled against someone today. And I lost horribly. Who was I to think that I could take on someone with three Level 11 Pokémon? My opponent did play it out a little in the beginning by choosing to use stat boost moves and let me get a few HP of damage on their first Pokémon. And then I got lucky that the accuracy of the move they used was low and I got to live a few extra turns. But then it was one KO after another.
Tomorrow I will be taking my DS to work with me that way I won't be bored in the event that I have to wait for the materials to show up or for me to pick up my check. I have the DS on the charger now just so there's little chance of the battery going dead while I am playing tomorrow.
I also got to the Monkey Blue fight in Ape Escape 3. Of all of the bosses in that game, Blue is probably my least favorite. I can never figure out his pattern of attack.
Finally tonight, the Osu! World Cup registration phase is going well. As of the time this is posted, there are 9 teams signed up for competing. There's Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden now in the running. I have compiled the stats for the teams, but I haven't done anything with them yet. At first glance, it looks like Argentina and Poland have the best chance of winning. But there is still plenty of time for some big powerhouse teams (South Korea, Japan) to come in and sign up.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Ticker (Patrat): Level - 11 Nature - Serious Ability - Keen Eye
HP - 34 Attack - 18 Defense - 16
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 14 Speed - 17

Gauner (Purrloin): Level - 11 Nature - Lonely Ability - Limber
HP - 30 Attack - 18 Defense - 12
Sp. Atk - 16 Sp. Def - 13 Speed - 23
Bernard (Lillipup): Level - 11 Nature - Naughty Ability - Vital Spirit
HP - 33 Attack - 19 Defense - 17
Sp. Atk - 12 Sp. Def - 15 Speed - 18
Odor Sleuth
Beowawe (Panpour): Level - 11 Nature - Serious Ability - Gluttony
HP - 33 Attack - 19 Defense - 18
Sp. Atk - 19 Sp. Def - 17 Speed - 20
Water Gun
Aspira (Munna): Level - 11 Nature - Jolly Ability - Forewarn
HP - 40 Attack - 11 Defense - 15
Sp. Atk - 18 Sp. Def - 18 Speed - 13
Lucky Chant
Slither (Snivy): Level - 12 Nature - Timid Ability - Overgrow
HP - 36 Attack - 16 Defense - 18
Sp. Atk - 16 Sp. Def - 20 Speed - 24
Vine Whip
I want to try and choose moves that fit their natures, so I have been reading up on strategies and stuff. And I tried to give nicknames to the Pokémon that fit their appearance. Ticker because it reminds me of a clock. Gauner is German for thief. Bernard because of St. Bernard dogs. Beowawe is a geyser field in Nevada. Aspira is short for aspiration, a synonym for dream. And Slither because it's final form looks like a snake.
I battled against someone today. And I lost horribly. Who was I to think that I could take on someone with three Level 11 Pokémon? My opponent did play it out a little in the beginning by choosing to use stat boost moves and let me get a few HP of damage on their first Pokémon. And then I got lucky that the accuracy of the move they used was low and I got to live a few extra turns. But then it was one KO after another.
Tomorrow I will be taking my DS to work with me that way I won't be bored in the event that I have to wait for the materials to show up or for me to pick up my check. I have the DS on the charger now just so there's little chance of the battery going dead while I am playing tomorrow.
I also got to the Monkey Blue fight in Ape Escape 3. Of all of the bosses in that game, Blue is probably my least favorite. I can never figure out his pattern of attack.
Finally tonight, the Osu! World Cup registration phase is going well. As of the time this is posted, there are 9 teams signed up for competing. There's Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden now in the running. I have compiled the stats for the teams, but I haven't done anything with them yet. At first glance, it looks like Argentina and Poland have the best chance of winning. But there is still plenty of time for some big powerhouse teams (South Korea, Japan) to come in and sign up.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Day 107: One more finished!
So the big news of the day is that registration has begun for this year's Osu! World Cup. So far there are two teams entered; one representing Germany and the other representing Italy. I of course, have started my analysis of the team members and will be making my predictions as more teams confirm their participation. I am really excited, because this is the start of the competitive season and it will be my first competitive season.
Along with doing the analysis, I have thought about making a team intro video for the teams. I saw one I liked back when the GTA V crews were recruiting new members. I started on Italy's today. I have it half finished. I just have to add the other team members and then set some music at the silent parts.
In other news, I finished the main story quests in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. So, I am going to count it as complete on the list. And after that, I started a save file for Ape Escape 3. I have already captured Monkey White, so I'm about 15% complete in the story already. I still haven't put Xenosaga Episode I back in the games cabinet, because I intend to try finishing it sometime soon. Maybe I will find an online strategy that is guaranteed to work and use it.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Along with doing the analysis, I have thought about making a team intro video for the teams. I saw one I liked back when the GTA V crews were recruiting new members. I started on Italy's today. I have it half finished. I just have to add the other team members and then set some music at the silent parts.
In other news, I finished the main story quests in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. So, I am going to count it as complete on the list. And after that, I started a save file for Ape Escape 3. I have already captured Monkey White, so I'm about 15% complete in the story already. I still haven't put Xenosaga Episode I back in the games cabinet, because I intend to try finishing it sometime soon. Maybe I will find an online strategy that is guaranteed to work and use it.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
6 Months,
Ape Escape 3,
Grand Theft Auto V,
GTA Online,
PC Gaming,
PlayStation 2,
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,
Video Games,
Xenosaga I
Monday, October 14, 2013
Day 106: Creeping Along
I spent the whole day playing Xenosaga Episode I, and I still haven't finished it. And it's not fair that I haven't finished it. I got to the final battle once. Like, the actual final enemy the party had to fight. And then I died, and I haven't made it back to that point since. The first time, I got to the final battle, and depleted the enemy's HP to only 1/4 of the original amount. Second time, I could even defeat Albedo. The third and fourth times, I can't even reach Albedo.
I am just overthinking all of it. But it can't be helped because I am so close to finishing the game. By the time I fight all of the enemies on the elevator and on the path to the final battle, every party member is at Level 39. Now, to me it seems that is a good place to be, because the random battles seem fine. It is just that I am trying to hard to think strategically, and my strategies don't seem to be working.
So, my plan is to take a break from it. Maybe when my head cools down from the frustration I will be able to think clearly about the situation.
However, I don't know what to play in the meantime. And it doesn't help that I put an order in for Pokémon Black 2 and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix Limited Edition. Those two games should be here by the 24th of this month. Maybe I will try and finish something I already have a save file for. I haven't played Skyrim in a while.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I am just overthinking all of it. But it can't be helped because I am so close to finishing the game. By the time I fight all of the enemies on the elevator and on the path to the final battle, every party member is at Level 39. Now, to me it seems that is a good place to be, because the random battles seem fine. It is just that I am trying to hard to think strategically, and my strategies don't seem to be working.
So, my plan is to take a break from it. Maybe when my head cools down from the frustration I will be able to think clearly about the situation.
However, I don't know what to play in the meantime. And it doesn't help that I put an order in for Pokémon Black 2 and Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix Limited Edition. Those two games should be here by the 24th of this month. Maybe I will try and finish something I already have a save file for. I haven't played Skyrim in a while.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Day 105: Why are the cutscenes so long?!
I have played this current save file of Xenosaga Episode I for over 47 hours now. And after looking at a written walkthrough of the game, I can say that I am three boss battles away from completing the game. After nearly falling asleep watching the longest set of cutscenes that rival those of the Metal Gear Solid series, I made my way into Proto Merkabah. I had no trouble with the enemies up until those flying Demons came along. Those take forever to defeat. But I managed to get through all of that.
And then came the fight against Proto Dora and Shutz. The beginning of the battle went well. I had Shion, Jr., and MOMO as the battle party. I managed to get rid of the Shutz easily. I didn't have the Ether skills the walkthrough used, but my party was strong enough to not need them. I depleted Proto Dora's HP to less than 5,000. And that was when it hit the party with probably its strongest attack and killed all three of them. That's when I stopped playing.
But I am so close. Only 3 boss battles away from completion. I just wish I could have finished it. Those cutscenes though, they just sap the strength right out of me. Why must they be so long?
And that was the only game I played today. I had Osu! running on my computer, but I was only listening to music today. The monthly competition is ending in a couple days, and it looks like I will definitely make the final leader board. It doesn't matter that I won't be getting a prize. Just knowing that my name will be up there for eternity (or until the Internet disappears) is enough for me.
Before I end this entry, I have a request. I am in a talent competition over on EnixOrigin where the top prize is three entries in a drawing for a copy of the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD game. The voting for round 2 has started, and I could use all the votes I can get in order to advance to the finals (provided that this round itself isn't the finals). If you could, would you go and vote for me. The place to vote is here, and my name is me3lingual. You only have one day to cast votes, so please go over to the site and vote for me! I appreciate it!
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
And then came the fight against Proto Dora and Shutz. The beginning of the battle went well. I had Shion, Jr., and MOMO as the battle party. I managed to get rid of the Shutz easily. I didn't have the Ether skills the walkthrough used, but my party was strong enough to not need them. I depleted Proto Dora's HP to less than 5,000. And that was when it hit the party with probably its strongest attack and killed all three of them. That's when I stopped playing.
But I am so close. Only 3 boss battles away from completion. I just wish I could have finished it. Those cutscenes though, they just sap the strength right out of me. Why must they be so long?
And that was the only game I played today. I had Osu! running on my computer, but I was only listening to music today. The monthly competition is ending in a couple days, and it looks like I will definitely make the final leader board. It doesn't matter that I won't be getting a prize. Just knowing that my name will be up there for eternity (or until the Internet disappears) is enough for me.
Before I end this entry, I have a request. I am in a talent competition over on EnixOrigin where the top prize is three entries in a drawing for a copy of the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD game. The voting for round 2 has started, and I could use all the votes I can get in order to advance to the finals (provided that this round itself isn't the finals). If you could, would you go and vote for me. The place to vote is here, and my name is me3lingual. You only have one day to cast votes, so please go over to the site and vote for me! I appreciate it!
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Day 104: A slow day in the Galaxy
The only game I played today was Xenosaga Episode I. I somehow made it past the enemies that gave me all of that trouble before. I used the Ether Skills of MOMO and Shion in order to get through it all. And after all of those difficult enemies, the Boss waiting at the end of the tower was so easy to beat.
Now that I am in the third tower, I am actually scared of the enemies waiting. They look so creepy. And from what I have fought so far, they will only get creepier. Bodies splitting open to reveal saw blades. Ew!
I am still on the leader board in the monthly osu!mania competition, despite not actually playing for a few days. I am now in 32nd position. The overall rankings haven't changed much since the last time I played either. I have a lot of new maps to play. I think I will let them build up the plays, that way when I come in and play them there will be points available to add to my ranking.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Now that I am in the third tower, I am actually scared of the enemies waiting. They look so creepy. And from what I have fought so far, they will only get creepier. Bodies splitting open to reveal saw blades. Ew!
I am still on the leader board in the monthly osu!mania competition, despite not actually playing for a few days. I am now in 32nd position. The overall rankings haven't changed much since the last time I played either. I have a lot of new maps to play. I think I will let them build up the plays, that way when I come in and play them there will be points available to add to my ranking.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 103: GTA V Final Review
Well, I set out to complete a game today, and I was successful. I finished every story mission in Grand Theft Auto V. The credits are literally rolling as I am typing this. I am glad to have finished it, and to have finished any game. It's been far too long since I completed a game. Anyway, I really like the story of Grand Theft Auto V. That, coupled with a good soundtrack and outstanding graphics, made this one of my favorite games ever.
I was surprised at how far the developers went to push the envelope when they made this game. I never thought I would ever play a game where I would get to see the inside a person's skull. And the nudity was something you don't normally see in video games either. I am really surprised that GTA V didn't receive an AO rating rather than the MA rating it received. This was probably the most adult-themed game I have seen in my life.
Gosh, how long are these credits? It's played through like four songs now.
Now that I have finished GTA V, I can mark it off the list and work on finishing other games. I am really close to finishing Final Fantasy XIII. I have been in the same spot in FF XIII for months. I think it would be a nice weekend project for me. And I am also close to finishing Xenosaga Episode I as well. The only problem I have with finishing both of those games is that the enemies are very difficult to get defeat. That's why I haven't finished them yet. So I will be turning to the trusty Internet for help in that regard. That's what it's there for, after all.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I was surprised at how far the developers went to push the envelope when they made this game. I never thought I would ever play a game where I would get to see the inside a person's skull. And the nudity was something you don't normally see in video games either. I am really surprised that GTA V didn't receive an AO rating rather than the MA rating it received. This was probably the most adult-themed game I have seen in my life.
The last mission allowed me to do what I have wanted to do ever since I met Trevor, and that was to kill him. I never liked his character, and I wanted to see him die so many times. I never expected that I would get to burn him alive, though. That was brutal. Really brutal. If I do play through this game again, I will probably choose Option C. I will never choose Option A. I mean, why would I kill myself?Gosh, how long are these credits? It's played through like four songs now.
Now that I have finished GTA V, I can mark it off the list and work on finishing other games. I am really close to finishing Final Fantasy XIII. I have been in the same spot in FF XIII for months. I think it would be a nice weekend project for me. And I am also close to finishing Xenosaga Episode I as well. The only problem I have with finishing both of those games is that the enemies are very difficult to get defeat. That's why I haven't finished them yet. So I will be turning to the trusty Internet for help in that regard. That's what it's there for, after all.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, October 11, 2013
Day 102: Day Off
Today was an unintentional day off. I tried to play several games, but I couldn't keep with any of them for more than five minutes. So I spent yesterday just messing around of the Internet.
And on top of that, I fell asleep at 9:30pm, and woke up at 5am. So I didn't actually have a lot of time awake to do much of anything.
Anyway, this next day I am determined to finish some game. I have quite a few save files, and I want to finish something today. I may even find a short game that I can one-shot in order to say that I finished a game this month.
So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
And on top of that, I fell asleep at 9:30pm, and woke up at 5am. So I didn't actually have a lot of time awake to do much of anything.
Anyway, this next day I am determined to finish some game. I have quite a few save files, and I want to finish something today. I may even find a short game that I can one-shot in order to say that I finished a game this month.
So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Day 101: When I'm not playing video games...
I'm usually watching other people play video games. I watch a lot of LPers on YouTube and Twitch. And in today's entry, I thought I'd talk about some of my favorites.
First up is GypsyElder. She is a member of a Final Fantasy forum I like to visit. Watching her play Catherine got me interested in the game, and she also helped me out when I would get stuck in the puzzles. She's much better at the game than I am. She's conquering Babel, and I am struggling on Easy Mode.
Along with Catherine, she plays a bunch of other games as well.
Next is MageKnight404. He is probably one of my favorite LPers on YouTube nowadays. When I play Xenosaga Episode I, I almost always have his series on the game playing at the same time. Right now in my playthrough of the game, I would be at his episode 94. However, I am only up to episode 52 of actually watching his LP. I really enjoy watching his live streams on Twitch as well.
And finally, I will mention some of my favorite series' to watch. I like Josh Jepson's Fallout 3 LP. It was another that I watch while playing the game. And I enjoyed watching Donnabellez' LP of Katamari Damacy. And though I can't stand NintendoCapriSun at all anymore, I really am entertained when I watch almost anything from TheRunawayGuys.
As for my gaming for today. I work on completing Grand Theft Auto V. Although for the amount of time I played, I didn't actually get a whole lot done. I am 57.61% complete now. I have finished all of the random events. There are only three more strangers and freaks missions, and 24 story missions left to complete. And it's only taken almost 31 hours to get this far.
And in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, I completed a few more missions. And after that, I passed a couple Clan Tests to raise my Clan stats. I have each member of my party at Level 11-12. Most have already learned all of the abilities of the starting jobs that I have access to. I just have to find the items needed to add more advanced equipment from the bazaar.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
First up is GypsyElder. She is a member of a Final Fantasy forum I like to visit. Watching her play Catherine got me interested in the game, and she also helped me out when I would get stuck in the puzzles. She's much better at the game than I am. She's conquering Babel, and I am struggling on Easy Mode.
Along with Catherine, she plays a bunch of other games as well.

And finally, I will mention some of my favorite series' to watch. I like Josh Jepson's Fallout 3 LP. It was another that I watch while playing the game. And I enjoyed watching Donnabellez' LP of Katamari Damacy. And though I can't stand NintendoCapriSun at all anymore, I really am entertained when I watch almost anything from TheRunawayGuys.
As for my gaming for today. I work on completing Grand Theft Auto V. Although for the amount of time I played, I didn't actually get a whole lot done. I am 57.61% complete now. I have finished all of the random events. There are only three more strangers and freaks missions, and 24 story missions left to complete. And it's only taken almost 31 hours to get this far.
And in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, I completed a few more missions. And after that, I passed a couple Clan Tests to raise my Clan stats. I have each member of my party at Level 11-12. Most have already learned all of the abilities of the starting jobs that I have access to. I just have to find the items needed to add more advanced equipment from the bazaar.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
6 Months,
Final Fantasy Tactics A2,
Grand Theft Auto V,
GTA Online,
Let's Play,
Nintendo DS,
PlayStation 2,
Video Games,
Xenosaga I,
Day 100: I think I'm almost done.
I only have 26 missions left to complete in Grand Theft Auto V. Overall, I am 52.78% complete. I have almost all of the random events finished (13/14). My brother walked in while I was playing and said that the graphics looked very realistic. He liked how the vehicles looked like actual vehicles. Anyway, my favorite part about the game is that you can switch between the characters. It makes the missions fresh. Rather than playing as one character for 50+ missions, you get to play as the three of them. I will be glad when I finish the story. Then I can devote more time to the online gameplay.
I am almost #27 in this month's osu!mania competition! I have shortened the gap between me and the current #27 to only 14,505 points. I had to play the annoying Mermaid Girl song about 15 times in order to get my score and accuracy up enough to where I would like it. As for my overall rankings, they are at the same area they were yesterday. I currently have second place on a song that was released today. So, that's always cool!
Today I thought I'd try and play Final Fantasy VI and see how far I could get. But then I thought about the games I am already playing, and I didn't want to add to the list. I need to finish something before I start playing something else.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play! Also, the special side topic I was going to talk about has been pushed back until tomorrow. I wasn't finished working on it, so I'm going to postpone it for now.
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I am almost #27 in this month's osu!mania competition! I have shortened the gap between me and the current #27 to only 14,505 points. I had to play the annoying Mermaid Girl song about 15 times in order to get my score and accuracy up enough to where I would like it. As for my overall rankings, they are at the same area they were yesterday. I currently have second place on a song that was released today. So, that's always cool!
Today I thought I'd try and play Final Fantasy VI and see how far I could get. But then I thought about the games I am already playing, and I didn't want to add to the list. I need to finish something before I start playing something else.
Well, that's all from me. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play! Also, the special side topic I was going to talk about has been pushed back until tomorrow. I wasn't finished working on it, so I'm going to postpone it for now.
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Day 99: Anything but 666.
Well, I am now in 28th Place in this month's osu!mania monthly competition. And I am only 1,570 points from passing #27. As for my overall standings, that has improved as well. I am #647 in the United States, and #11,467 in the world. I spent a lot of time trying to improve on maps that I have a score of less than 950,000 points. It is taking a while, considering I have over 3000 maps. But I started the day as #666 in the country, and ended at #647; so it was a good day. Also, I wanted to be anything other than #666.
The only other game I played today was Grand Theft Auto V. I played both the story mode and online. In Online, I am at Level 8 with 24,194 RP in the Ohio Moguls crew. And in story mode, I have completed 43.41% of the game. I still hate playing as Trevor, but I just get it over with.
I have an interesting side topic for tomorrow's entry, so you will have to come back for that. I will try and not wing it like I usually do the side topics. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The only other game I played today was Grand Theft Auto V. I played both the story mode and online. In Online, I am at Level 8 with 24,194 RP in the Ohio Moguls crew. And in story mode, I have completed 43.41% of the game. I still hate playing as Trevor, but I just get it over with.
I have an interesting side topic for tomorrow's entry, so you will have to come back for that. I will try and not wing it like I usually do the side topics. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, October 7, 2013
Day 98: Rage Moment
I had a bit of a rage moment when I was playing Osu! today. I kept missing only one note in every map I played, and so I would retry the maps. Well, it became really frustrating, and I slammed both hands on the computer keyboard and broke one of the little tabs that elevate it to raise the angle of the keyboard. So, now I am using some GBA game cartridges to adjust the angle of the keyboard to make typing more comfortable. Why was I being so sore? I was trying to raise my score in this month's competition. I rank #29, and I am so close to moving up the list if I can just raise my score a little more. The difference between me and #28 is only 15,588 points. There is still a lot of points I could earn; 3,338,777 points to be exact.
In the end, I just did one of the maps that I don't have a near perfect score on, and I passed #28. Now, I am 27,851 points below #27. It looks like I will remain on the scoreboard for the rest of the competition, so I am not too worried about scrounging for the extra points. I guess the rage moment was needed. It had been boiling for so long, that it finally boiled over. Now, I am as cool as ice water.
I played GTA Online today as well. I am still ranked #6 in my crew. I have 21,357 RP currently. My specialty right now is racing. And that's really weird considering I am horrible at racing in most other games. I almost have enough money to purchase a house in the game. I hope to do that soon. My car is missing, and I don't know how to use the tracking. That's something I want to do the next time I play.
I tried playing Xenosaga Episode I. However, the battles are really difficult. I tried different equipment to combat the attacks the enemies were throwing, but they are relentless. And I tried fighting the Red King in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, but the battle was too difficult. It doesn't seem fair that I can't use Black Magic spells, but the opponent can. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
In the end, I just did one of the maps that I don't have a near perfect score on, and I passed #28. Now, I am 27,851 points below #27. It looks like I will remain on the scoreboard for the rest of the competition, so I am not too worried about scrounging for the extra points. I guess the rage moment was needed. It had been boiling for so long, that it finally boiled over. Now, I am as cool as ice water.
I played GTA Online today as well. I am still ranked #6 in my crew. I have 21,357 RP currently. My specialty right now is racing. And that's really weird considering I am horrible at racing in most other games. I almost have enough money to purchase a house in the game. I hope to do that soon. My car is missing, and I don't know how to use the tracking. That's something I want to do the next time I play.
I tried playing Xenosaga Episode I. However, the battles are really difficult. I tried different equipment to combat the attacks the enemies were throwing, but they are relentless. And I tried fighting the Red King in Final Fantasy Tactics A2, but the battle was too difficult. It doesn't seem fair that I can't use Black Magic spells, but the opponent can. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Day 97: A short update.
I played Xenosaga Episode I today. Today, I just wanted to get the rest of MOMO's Ether Abilities. I read about their locations, and spent a long time looking for them. But I did move to the second tower in the Song of Nephilim. However, the battles are really tough, and I keep dying.
I completed a few more quests in Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I have a new party member as well. It's that Adelle character who I don't trust. I think she's going to end up hurting the party again at some point.
I wasn't able to play GTA Online today. I guess the servers were having problems.
Sorry this is so short. But I am not feeling the best right now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I completed a few more quests in Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I have a new party member as well. It's that Adelle character who I don't trust. I think she's going to end up hurting the party again at some point.
I wasn't able to play GTA Online today. I guess the servers were having problems.
Sorry this is so short. But I am not feeling the best right now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, October 4, 2013
Day 96: My True Thoughts on GTA Online
I finally got to play GTA Online today. It is much better now that I no longer have to look at a loading screen, though I still have to look at one occasionally. The jobs are fun, and I like how it is more based on the community aspect rather than "kill these people, drive these cars". The competition is tough, but that's to be expected. After all, the game sold millions of copies, and it seems like everyone is a pro at it compared to me.
In my current crew Ohio Moguls, I rank 6th out of the 12 players overall. I have 10,050 RP. I have done a Team Last Man Standing match (in which I was the first one dead), and a Deathmatch (in which I place 7th out of 10).
GTA Online is really fun. I can see myself spending many nights playing this. For more information about my crew's standings, just click and visit Ohio Moguls.
In other gaming news, Osu! is currently restructuring the Leader Boards for the overall modes. For a while now, the Leader Boards have been cluttered with players who no longer play actively. This new format removes the inactive players from the Boards. If the inactive become active again, their standings will go back to where they were before (*adjusted for new rankings, of course).
Anyway, with this new system in place, I have been given a big jump to my standings in osu!mania. I am ranked #648 in the U.S., and #11,522 in the world. This is great for me, because it means that if I stay active and others become inactive, my ranking will naturally raise higher and higher because the inactive players will be removed from the list.
Unfortunately, that also means that until I become better at Osu! standard, I won't be back on that leader board until I rank on a map again. It's the only mode of the game that I don't play well.
Finally, I completed a few more quests in Final Fantasy Tactics A2 today. I have made it to the third area of the game (Baptiste something). And I started to play The World Ends With You today as well. I am not used to always using the stylus, so this game will take some getting used to.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
In my current crew Ohio Moguls, I rank 6th out of the 12 players overall. I have 10,050 RP. I have done a Team Last Man Standing match (in which I was the first one dead), and a Deathmatch (in which I place 7th out of 10).
GTA Online is really fun. I can see myself spending many nights playing this. For more information about my crew's standings, just click and visit Ohio Moguls.
In other gaming news, Osu! is currently restructuring the Leader Boards for the overall modes. For a while now, the Leader Boards have been cluttered with players who no longer play actively. This new format removes the inactive players from the Boards. If the inactive become active again, their standings will go back to where they were before (*adjusted for new rankings, of course).
Anyway, with this new system in place, I have been given a big jump to my standings in osu!mania. I am ranked #648 in the U.S., and #11,522 in the world. This is great for me, because it means that if I stay active and others become inactive, my ranking will naturally raise higher and higher because the inactive players will be removed from the list.
Unfortunately, that also means that until I become better at Osu! standard, I won't be back on that leader board until I rank on a map again. It's the only mode of the game that I don't play well.
Finally, I completed a few more quests in Final Fantasy Tactics A2 today. I have made it to the third area of the game (Baptiste something). And I started to play The World Ends With You today as well. I am not used to always using the stylus, so this game will take some getting used to.
Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 95: I fell asleep...
So, the only game I played today was Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. And that was because there was a mix-up at work and I couldn't get started until after 9am. If I hadn't brought my DS along with me, I would have been bored out of my mind for five hours with nothing to do. Luckily, I planned ahead.
Anyway, I have completed 13 quests. Negotiation is at 13, Aptitude is 14, Teamwork is 8, and Adaptability is 8. I completed two Clan Trials, and that's why Negotiation and Aptitude is so much higher than the other two stats. As for my party members, Luso is a Level 8 Soldier, Meiza (Nu Mou) is a Level 8 White Mage, Larea (Viera) is a Level 9 Fencer, Ganoslal (Bangaa) is a Level 9 White Monk, Rally (Hume) is a Level 8 Thief, and Grolius (Moogle) is a Level 9 Animist.
I must say, the equipment selection at this stage of the game is really poor. And it depends on what I bring to the bazaar, so I guess it's really my fault that the shop has no selection. But I can only bring what I am given in battle, and that isn't much. Anyway, so far I like the game.
And that's about it for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Anyway, I have completed 13 quests. Negotiation is at 13, Aptitude is 14, Teamwork is 8, and Adaptability is 8. I completed two Clan Trials, and that's why Negotiation and Aptitude is so much higher than the other two stats. As for my party members, Luso is a Level 8 Soldier, Meiza (Nu Mou) is a Level 8 White Mage, Larea (Viera) is a Level 9 Fencer, Ganoslal (Bangaa) is a Level 9 White Monk, Rally (Hume) is a Level 8 Thief, and Grolius (Moogle) is a Level 9 Animist.
I must say, the equipment selection at this stage of the game is really poor. And it depends on what I bring to the bazaar, so I guess it's really my fault that the shop has no selection. But I can only bring what I am given in battle, and that isn't much. Anyway, so far I like the game.
And that's about it for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 94: An early turn-in.
I am heading to bed directly after posting this and sharing it with the world, so I will try and make this quick.
I still haven't played GTA Online. They company says that most of the problems that I have come across were fixed this morning. I say that at 5pm today, the problems were still there. On top of that, I had to remake my character because it didn't save, despite me clicking Save & Continue. So now I made my character and I look similar. I gave him a similar hair style, and I gave me a similar facial hair pattern. I did advance to the start of the initial scene in multiplayer a couple times. But that was it.
In other news, I continued the story in Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I will be taking my DS with me to work tomorrow, because I may finish early enough to need something to do. I have to be in town until at least 9am to pay the electric bill, so I think I'll need something. Especially if I finish at 7am like I did two weeks ago.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I still haven't played GTA Online. They company says that most of the problems that I have come across were fixed this morning. I say that at 5pm today, the problems were still there. On top of that, I had to remake my character because it didn't save, despite me clicking Save & Continue. So now I made my character and I look similar. I gave him a similar hair style, and I gave me a similar facial hair pattern. I did advance to the start of the initial scene in multiplayer a couple times. But that was it.
In other news, I continued the story in Final Fantasy Tactics A2. I will be taking my DS with me to work tomorrow, because I may finish early enough to need something to do. I have to be in town until at least 9am to pay the electric bill, so I think I'll need something. Especially if I finish at 7am like I did two weeks ago.
Well, that's all from me for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 93: Thoughts on GTA V Online
I can't say I have any thoughts on the actual online gameplay. The farthest I have gotten was the character creation menu. Actual play time eluded me. First, I didn't get to perform the update until 7:30am. After that, I spent three hours just trying to get to the player creation menu. I must say, I like how that is similar to the creation system in The Sims.
I tried multiple times to actually play. And each time I was either unable to play because the server didn't have any compatible rooms with crew members, or they failed to connect me with a host room, or it was timed out and took too long to connect me with the server.
I am currently doing a system update on my PS3, so I will attempt to connect with GTA V online again once that's finished. Until then, I will talk a bit about my other gaming things today.
I am now a member of four GTA V crews. I have been receiving requests all day. I denied the last three, because they were not the kind of groups I wanted to be associated with. Even though the game has a drug theme, I won't play as part of a group that focuses on that. And my active crew is currently 00rganizedCrimeLords. I chose to switch my active crew because I was ranked higher in the hierarchy than in the other crews. Two of the crews I am part of are now in the 21-50 division, one is in 6-20, and the last is 1-5.
I received a couple games in the mail today. The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. I played the former enough to know that it works, and I have put in about 90 minutes with the latter. I have completed two quests in FFTA2 so far. It seems to be an okay game. However, I am not good at Tactics games, so I expect a rage quit in the near future.
The system update is still not complete (86%), so I will just wait to see how far I get in GTA V Online.
25 minutes later...
I tried multiple times to play online mode, but to no avail. I guess I will try again later. Maybe when the initial wave of players stops playing and goes back to their real lives. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I tried multiple times to actually play. And each time I was either unable to play because the server didn't have any compatible rooms with crew members, or they failed to connect me with a host room, or it was timed out and took too long to connect me with the server.
I am currently doing a system update on my PS3, so I will attempt to connect with GTA V online again once that's finished. Until then, I will talk a bit about my other gaming things today.
I am now a member of four GTA V crews. I have been receiving requests all day. I denied the last three, because they were not the kind of groups I wanted to be associated with. Even though the game has a drug theme, I won't play as part of a group that focuses on that. And my active crew is currently 00rganizedCrimeLords. I chose to switch my active crew because I was ranked higher in the hierarchy than in the other crews. Two of the crews I am part of are now in the 21-50 division, one is in 6-20, and the last is 1-5.
I received a couple games in the mail today. The World Ends With You and Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. I played the former enough to know that it works, and I have put in about 90 minutes with the latter. I have completed two quests in FFTA2 so far. It seems to be an okay game. However, I am not good at Tactics games, so I expect a rage quit in the near future.
The system update is still not complete (86%), so I will just wait to see how far I get in GTA V Online.
25 minutes later...
I tried multiple times to play online mode, but to no avail. I guess I will try again later. Maybe when the initial wave of players stops playing and goes back to their real lives. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
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