Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 58: Nearing the 1/3rd mark.

First off, thank you so much to everyone who checked out yesterday's blog entry.  There were more pageviews in that one entry in the last day than in any of the other entries.  For those new readers, I hope you enjoy the content and stick around while we take this journey together.  And for the readers who have been here from the beginning, thank you so much for your continued support.  Without the advice I have gotten from all of you, I wouldn't have been able to be where I am right now in this challenge.  Again, thanks so much, and I hope you continue reading.

Month 2 is just about to end, so I decided to try continuing some games that I have save files for.  First was Ni No Kuni.  I stopped playing this game because I became frustrated that I couldn't catch one familiar that the scientist/researcher guy wanted.  Today when I played, I said to heck with that and continued on with the story.  I reached the Castaway Cove, and met who I think is the third member of the party.  All I know about him is that his name sounds a lot like my last name.  So naturally, he will be my favorite character in the game.  Even though I don't know how he is in battle, I just know that he will be great.  And therefore, he will be my favorite character.

However, I was not prepared for a battle with a genie.  Thankfully I saved the game before I opened the cauldron.  So now I don't feel bad that I was only able to weaken the genie to half his health.  I will try again tomorrow.  Maybe by then I can find a hint or two on how to move forward in the game.

The second game I played today was Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.  Along with moving forward in the game's story by completing the missions with Mori, I worked on completing the Base Jumps.  When I played the game a few years ago, I wasn't able to pass even one base jump.  Today when I played, I managed to get 12 of the 15 completed.  I had to have been lucky today, because a couple of them were only passed with 3%.  Seriously, 3%.

And of course I spent another night playing Skyrim.  I completed the quests for the Mages College and became the new Arch-Mage.  That's cool.  After that, I went back to Whiterun and unloaded all of the loot I had received.  I really should finish the main story soon.  If I do that, then I can mark it off the list.

And finally, I have Jak 2 in my PS2.  Since I finished the first game not too long ago, I want to complete the whole series.  It is connected to the television next to my computer, so I am able to play and be online at the same time.  Which means that I will be making use of the quick access to all of the tips and tricks that you all have up your sleeves.  If I randomly contact you with a question, you know why.

Well, that's all I have for you today.  I hope you had fun today, and that you come back to tomorrow for the next entry.  So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play!

Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎

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