It is the end of the second month in the challenge. I am surprised I haven't driven myself crazy because of it. I should be freaking out because there is still so many more games I need to finish in the next four months, but I am feeling really calm right now. I think it's because I have pretty much resigned myself to not being able to complete it. After all, it is a huge undertaking. But I am still going to try. And even if I don't complete the challenge, I will still have fun playing the games I own. So, it's still great!
Well, I should probably go over what I did complete this month. The easiest games that I marked off the list this month were the ones from Atari Anthology. Since gaming technology back then was nothing like it is today, there wasn't a lot for me to do in the games I played. Since levels are repetitive and most are based on a final score, there isn't much progression needed to be satisfied. I still have quite a few Atari games to play, and I am looking forward to playing the old-style RPGs.
Other really easy games for me to finish this month were Crash Bandicoot and Jax & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. The former was one of the first games I played when I first received a PlayStation. The latter is a game that I have played several times and have little difficulty in completing. Both of these Naughty Dog games are ones I would recommend to any starting gamer. They may be old games, but with their availability for PSN download, even new gamers can enjoy these classics.
My favorite game I completed this month is by far 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. It is unlike any game I have ever played, to my knowledge. If I wasn't doing this challenge, I would probably still be playing it right now in order to get the other endings. The puzzles are challenging, and the story is great! I hope to get the sequel to the game someday.
So far in this challenge, I have completed 25 of the 309 total games in my collection. Sadly, I should be at 103 completed games at this point to keep a steady pace toward completing the entire challenge. I will have to worker even harder in this next month. Especially since it will be the first month in this challenge to have only 30 days. Right now, every day is crucial to reach victory. My goal for this month is to try not to get steered away from the direct path in games. As much fun as they might be, I have to try and avoid doing the side quests. They may offer more experience and better equipment, but they distract me from the endings.
Another goal for this month is to always be playing a game whenever possible. If I am not playing a game on the television, then I should a handheld game in my hands. The only way I can make a bigger dent to the list is if I play as much as possible. Finally, I will try and do a better job at controlling myself and not purchasing any more games. I swore to myself that I wouldn't buy any more after I received my copy of Dark Cloud 2
(did I remember to tell you all that I finally bought that game?). And with any money I earn going toward the household bills, I can't afford to look at a game let alone buy one.
Moving on...
I was up late last night playing The Sims 3. I managed to earn one trophy during the session. Other than that, I didn't accomplish much in the game. And today I spent a lot of time working on the main quest line for Skyrim. Yes, the main story quests. If you check out the main story's quest list, you will know that I am reaching the end of Act II. I have found the guy in Riften, and he, Delphine, and I are on our way to Alduin's Wall. At the moment of my last save, the three of us are at my home in Whiterun. I wanted to get rid of as much as possible before I leave for the Wall. I think I will also take Lydia along with us. It will seem like a full-on battle party then.
As for my progress in Osu!, I didn't play it much today. And so, I have fallen back a little on the leaderboard. It's only a few spots, so I am not worried too much. I wasn't able to find many multiplayer matches today. No one was playing songs I had, and the ones that did were locked and I couldn't join them. I am not a frequent poster on the game's forums, so I not known enough to have the luxury of knowing the passwords to get in those special matches.
Well, that's all I have for today. I hope to have a well-played and really productive to the coming month, and that you continue to follow along as I continue this journey. So, for the coming day, enjoythe games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Join me as I take a journey to finish every video game I own. Feel free to offer advice whenever you want. It's clear that I couldn't finish these games without some help; so if you want to help out, I am all for it.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Day 62: Month 2 Review
Friday, August 30, 2013
Day 61: Friday Night Fun
Today I played Sly 2, and completed Episode 2. I was expecting that ending. I was thinking Rajan would be captured like Dmitri and then I'd move on to the next bad guy. But I guess the Spice King was greedy and needed two Clockwerk parts.
The dancing scene in the second episode was too easy. Either that, or my experience with rhythm games is helping make it easy.
Now I am trying to get the Heart. I am nearly finished with Episode 3, so it won't be long before that's done.
I also continued to climb up the leaderboard in Osu!. Right now I am ranked #802 in the country and #15,981 in the world. I did have some difficulty playing multiplayer today. There was a room with a couple jerks who would change the song right after every other person in the room would finish getting ready. It was so mean. I never knew anyone would do that. Oh well, they may be slightly higher up than me on the leaderboard, but that will change someday. One of the two is only about 200 higher than me, and the other is about 1,000. So, one day soon they won't have as much to laugh at.
My online game profiles things have finally updated (mostly), so now if you check out my Raptr account or my profile on, you will see a more current profile. They haven't recorded my most recent Sly 2 trophy, so it's just a matter of time.
Well, that's all I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The dancing scene in the second episode was too easy. Either that, or my experience with rhythm games is helping make it easy.
Now I am trying to get the Heart. I am nearly finished with Episode 3, so it won't be long before that's done.
I also continued to climb up the leaderboard in Osu!. Right now I am ranked #802 in the country and #15,981 in the world. I did have some difficulty playing multiplayer today. There was a room with a couple jerks who would change the song right after every other person in the room would finish getting ready. It was so mean. I never knew anyone would do that. Oh well, they may be slightly higher up than me on the leaderboard, but that will change someday. One of the two is only about 200 higher than me, and the other is about 1,000. So, one day soon they won't have as much to laugh at.
My online game profiles things have finally updated (mostly), so now if you check out my Raptr account or my profile on, you will see a more current profile. They haven't recorded my most recent Sly 2 trophy, so it's just a matter of time.
Well, that's all I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Day 60: A Sly way to get there.
This morning before I left for work I played Sky 2. I finished Episode 1, and started on the missions for Episode 2. The game is still not as good as the first in the series, but it is still sort of fun. I like how you can purchase upgrades, rather than having to collect every clue bottle in order to get the special moves.
After I got back home, I played Osu!, and raised my rank a little more. I am almost in the Top 800 in the country now. I learned that in order to get on the world leader board for osu!mania, I will have to have a score that is around the same as the person ranked #480 in the U.S.A. So there is still a lot of work ahead of me. But I will get there eventually. If I continue to play multiplayer matches and work my up the U.S.'s leader board, I am sure to get there one day.
Well, I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow, so I can play all night tonight if I want. If you see me online, feel free to give me a shout. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
After I got back home, I played Osu!, and raised my rank a little more. I am almost in the Top 800 in the country now. I learned that in order to get on the world leader board for osu!mania, I will have to have a score that is around the same as the person ranked #480 in the U.S.A. So there is still a lot of work ahead of me. But I will get there eventually. If I continue to play multiplayer matches and work my up the U.S.'s leader board, I am sure to get there one day.
Well, I don't have anywhere to be tomorrow, so I can play all night tonight if I want. If you see me online, feel free to give me a shout. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Day 59: Gaming in my Dreams
I wasn't feeling too well today, so I spent a big part of the day sleeping. I think the late-night dungeon crawls in Skyrim are what's causing it. Last night I began the Bards College story. I went to Solitude to continue the main quests, but I didn't like what the quest was once I learned more about it. I also met with Sheogorath and completed the quest with him. I like that they kept the same voice for Skyrim that they had for Oblivion.
The only other game I played since the last entry was Jak 2. I am currently 6% complete with the game. I will have to switch it over to my other television the next time I play it because there are a lot of dark shadowy areas, and I can't see to play well. If the TV had a way to change the brightness (it's really old) then I wouldn't have this problem.
Anyway, I am going to keep this entry short. My eyes hurt and I want to get plenty of sleep tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The only other game I played since the last entry was Jak 2. I am currently 6% complete with the game. I will have to switch it over to my other television the next time I play it because there are a lot of dark shadowy areas, and I can't see to play well. If the TV had a way to change the brightness (it's really old) then I wouldn't have this problem.
Anyway, I am going to keep this entry short. My eyes hurt and I want to get plenty of sleep tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Day 58: Nearing the 1/3rd mark.
First off, thank you so much to everyone who checked out yesterday's blog entry. There were more pageviews in that one entry in the last day than in any of the other entries. For those new readers, I hope you enjoy the content and stick around while we take this journey together. And for the readers who have been here from the beginning, thank you so much for your continued support. Without the advice I have gotten from all of you, I wouldn't have been able to be where I am right now in this challenge. Again, thanks so much, and I hope you continue reading.
Month 2 is just about to end, so I decided to try continuing some games that I have save files for. First was Ni No Kuni. I stopped playing this game because I became frustrated that I couldn't catch one familiar that the scientist/researcher guy wanted. Today when I played, I said to heck with that and continued on with the story. I reached the Castaway Cove, and met who I think is the third member of the party. All I know about him is that his name sounds a lot like my last name. So naturally, he will be my favorite character in the game. Even though I don't know how he is in battle, I just know that he will be great. And therefore, he will be my favorite character.
However, I was not prepared for a battle with a genie. Thankfully I saved the game before I opened the cauldron. So now I don't feel bad that I was only able to weaken the genie to half his health. I will try again tomorrow. Maybe by then I can find a hint or two on how to move forward in the game.
The second game I played today was Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Along with moving forward in the game's story by completing the missions with Mori, I worked on completing the Base Jumps. When I played the game a few years ago, I wasn't able to pass even one base jump. Today when I played, I managed to get 12 of the 15 completed. I had to have been lucky today, because a couple of them were only passed with 3%. Seriously, 3%.
And of course I spent another night playing Skyrim. I completed the quests for the Mages College and became the new Arch-Mage. That's cool. After that, I went back to Whiterun and unloaded all of the loot I had received. I really should finish the main story soon. If I do that, then I can mark it off the list.
And finally, I have Jak 2 in my PS2. Since I finished the first game not too long ago, I want to complete the whole series. It is connected to the television next to my computer, so I am able to play and be online at the same time. Which means that I will be making use of the quick access to all of the tips and tricks that you all have up your sleeves. If I randomly contact you with a question, you know why.
Well, that's all I have for you today. I hope you had fun today, and that you come back to tomorrow for the next entry. So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Month 2 is just about to end, so I decided to try continuing some games that I have save files for. First was Ni No Kuni. I stopped playing this game because I became frustrated that I couldn't catch one familiar that the scientist/researcher guy wanted. Today when I played, I said to heck with that and continued on with the story. I reached the Castaway Cove, and met who I think is the third member of the party. All I know about him is that his name sounds a lot like my last name. So naturally, he will be my favorite character in the game. Even though I don't know how he is in battle, I just know that he will be great. And therefore, he will be my favorite character.
However, I was not prepared for a battle with a genie. Thankfully I saved the game before I opened the cauldron. So now I don't feel bad that I was only able to weaken the genie to half his health. I will try again tomorrow. Maybe by then I can find a hint or two on how to move forward in the game.
The second game I played today was Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. Along with moving forward in the game's story by completing the missions with Mori, I worked on completing the Base Jumps. When I played the game a few years ago, I wasn't able to pass even one base jump. Today when I played, I managed to get 12 of the 15 completed. I had to have been lucky today, because a couple of them were only passed with 3%. Seriously, 3%.
And of course I spent another night playing Skyrim. I completed the quests for the Mages College and became the new Arch-Mage. That's cool. After that, I went back to Whiterun and unloaded all of the loot I had received. I really should finish the main story soon. If I do that, then I can mark it off the list.
And finally, I have Jak 2 in my PS2. Since I finished the first game not too long ago, I want to complete the whole series. It is connected to the television next to my computer, so I am able to play and be online at the same time. Which means that I will be making use of the quick access to all of the tips and tricks that you all have up your sleeves. If I randomly contact you with a question, you know why.
Well, that's all I have for you today. I hope you had fun today, and that you come back to tomorrow for the next entry. So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 57: Some gaming places
Rather than post yet another Skyrim story, because that's all I did today, I thought I'd talk about some gaming forums I am a member of to increase their number of members and get some traffic their way.
The first forum I like to visit is The Final Fantasy Forums (TFF). I became a member here back in 2011. I was looking for some advice on how to defeat Vayne in Final Fantasy XII. While I never defeated Vayne (I got frustrated and deleted my save file before following the advice I was given), I found a whole lot of kind and caring members that possess tons of knowledge about the game series. Back then, I made a journal that documented my daily life, and it has since carried over to the daily life blog I have there as well. Both can be viewed there, and I still update the blog each day.
The second forum I became a member of is Square Forums (Square). It isn't as active as TFF, but it has a RP section that is more active than TFF's. If role-playing is something you are interested in, they have a RP based on Final Fantasy X's Spira that has been going on for more than three years. I enjoy reading it. The participants are all great writers and make the characters they are playing really enjoyable to read about. I highly recommend checking it out and participating.
Finally, Enix Origin (EO) is a newer forum that has really grown into a great place to visit. Less than six months, it has already gained more than 200 members, and more than 1,000 discussions. EO even has a Skype Group that the members go to to chat about things you wouldn't normally read about in one of the forum's threads. I still feel like the odd-man-out sometimes, even though I have been there for more than three months. EO is home to a lot of members from a couple other forums, so a lot of the members know each other already. But they are all very nice and do their best at including even members like me who came from TFF to feel welcome.
When I am not gaming, I am usually at one of these three places. Sometimes, I am at all three of these places. I like to go there for the gaming tips and advice, and to unwind from gaming to just talk about gaming. I am a member at a few other places, but I don't go there enough to even remember my password and user name. If you can't tell, I am a fan of Square Enix games. I think that's plenty obvious. The communities of all three of these places are great, and I am glad to be a part of each of them. I encourage you all to visit these webpages. If you see me there, be sure to say Hi!
Well, that's all I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎

The second forum I became a member of is Square Forums (Square). It isn't as active as TFF, but it has a RP section that is more active than TFF's. If role-playing is something you are interested in, they have a RP based on Final Fantasy X's Spira that has been going on for more than three years. I enjoy reading it. The participants are all great writers and make the characters they are playing really enjoyable to read about. I highly recommend checking it out and participating.
Finally, Enix Origin (EO) is a newer forum that has really grown into a great place to visit. Less than six months, it has already gained more than 200 members, and more than 1,000 discussions. EO even has a Skype Group that the members go to to chat about things you wouldn't normally read about in one of the forum's threads. I still feel like the odd-man-out sometimes, even though I have been there for more than three months. EO is home to a lot of members from a couple other forums, so a lot of the members know each other already. But they are all very nice and do their best at including even members like me who came from TFF to feel welcome.
When I am not gaming, I am usually at one of these three places. Sometimes, I am at all three of these places. I like to go there for the gaming tips and advice, and to unwind from gaming to just talk about gaming. I am a member at a few other places, but I don't go there enough to even remember my password and user name. If you can't tell, I am a fan of Square Enix games. I think that's plenty obvious. The communities of all three of these places are great, and I am glad to be a part of each of them. I encourage you all to visit these webpages. If you see me there, be sure to say Hi!
Well, that's all I have for today. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, August 26, 2013
Day 56: I hope I'm not boring you with Skyrim stories.
Today was yet another day in Skyrim, with the occasional break to play Osu! and raise my rank. I am stabilizing at #841 in the U.S.A. and #16,715 in the world for osu!mania. As for the monthly competition, I haven't tried any of the maps for quite some time. However, my scores are keeping me on the Top 40 list. Granted, I am ranked #39. I think I will work on improving my scores for the individual maps to secure my place. I want my first time competing to show that I am not some casual player who does the maps on a whim. And right now, scoring 5,551,201 points out of a possible 12 million is not proving my capability.
Another thing I did with Osu! today is a little analysis on the possible candidates for the big tournament that will be happening next year. So far with my ranking, I don't even have a chance at making the American team. Even if they allow multiple teams per country, I wouldn't make the first three teams America would put out there. But I am unable to get a definite analysis due to the fact that the top people would even want to compete. Either way, I have quite some time before the tournament comes around. And anyway, I want to compete in smaller tournaments before this big one anyway. There is plenty of time to get used to tournament style gameplay by then.
Moving on to Skyrim. I started the session today over at the Mages College. The quests today were the ones closest to my current location. I did fast travel a couple times to unload the loot I had acquired. I have also learned another complete Shout, though I can't actually use it yet. And I have two words of Ice Form as well.
Here are my current levels of skills:
Sneak 61
Destruction 55
Lockpicking 51
Archery 50
One-Handed 43
Conjuration 36
Light Armor 36
Speech 33
Two-Handed 32
Alteration 28
Alchemy 27
Restoration 26
Illusion 25
Smithing 25
Enchanting 24
Block 21
Pickpocket 17
Heavy Armor 16
Right now, I am trying to retrieve the books that were stolen from the Mages College by Orthorn. I sent him away, because he would probably just get in front of me while I am trying to kill the enemies. Vilkas did that a lot when we were getting the fragments of Wuuthrad. And then he'd complain when he would get hit with an arrow. And since I don't know if he is integral to the quest, I sent him away. I'm hoping he doesn't get himself killed on the way back to the college.
Well, I left the PS3 on while I typed this, so I am going to end it here. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Another thing I did with Osu! today is a little analysis on the possible candidates for the big tournament that will be happening next year. So far with my ranking, I don't even have a chance at making the American team. Even if they allow multiple teams per country, I wouldn't make the first three teams America would put out there. But I am unable to get a definite analysis due to the fact that the top people would even want to compete. Either way, I have quite some time before the tournament comes around. And anyway, I want to compete in smaller tournaments before this big one anyway. There is plenty of time to get used to tournament style gameplay by then.
Moving on to Skyrim. I started the session today over at the Mages College. The quests today were the ones closest to my current location. I did fast travel a couple times to unload the loot I had acquired. I have also learned another complete Shout, though I can't actually use it yet. And I have two words of Ice Form as well.
Here are my current levels of skills:
Sneak 61
Destruction 55
Lockpicking 51
Archery 50
One-Handed 43
Conjuration 36
Light Armor 36
Speech 33
Two-Handed 32
Alteration 28
Alchemy 27
Restoration 26
Illusion 25
Smithing 25
Enchanting 24
Block 21
Pickpocket 17
Heavy Armor 16
Right now, I am trying to retrieve the books that were stolen from the Mages College by Orthorn. I sent him away, because he would probably just get in front of me while I am trying to kill the enemies. Vilkas did that a lot when we were getting the fragments of Wuuthrad. And then he'd complain when he would get hit with an arrow. And since I don't know if he is integral to the quest, I sent him away. I'm hoping he doesn't get himself killed on the way back to the college.
Well, I left the PS3 on while I typed this, so I am going to end it here. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Day 55: I remembered to Save today!
Today's game was once again Skyrim. I was determined to complete the Companions quests. After two restarts (one due to death, the other due to a deer crossing my path weirdly and freezing the game), I managed to get past the point that I have had trouble with and somehow managed to become the leader of the Companions. I also removed my werewolf status while I was in the tomb. I never used the power, so it was kind of a waste to have it. I only got the power because I wanted to continue the story of the Companions.
After I left the tomb, I enabled all of the quests I had started. I chose to work on the one closest to my current destination. That one was to explore the Mages College in Winterhold. After some initial trouble on how to get to the place (because I am horrible with that map), I finally found the College and begun my journey at unraveling the secrets the old building holds. I really like the way the Magic School quest is done in this game compared to Oblivion. I am not having to travel all over the place just to gain entrance to the main building. I don't have to do stupid fetch quests at places all over the country in order to get permission to go the main building. It's all right there. And of course the drama with the two Elven women is there, that's reminiscent of any school. Only here, there's also a possible spy, claims of leaders not doing their job well, mysterious orbs showing up. and undead trying to kill me.
My character is Level 21 or 22 now. I forget to check before I shut off the PS3. During the play session, I received two trophies. The first for completing the Companions story, and the other for starting the Mages College story. The skills I have the highest amount in are Sneak and Destruction. I also work on the Illusion, Alteration, and Conjuration skills when I am traveling from place to place.
One thing I learned today was how to actually gain access to more Words of Power. I didn't know that you had to press the square button in order to link a dragon soul with the Words. I had been killing dragons, and not using the souls. I thought that each dragon was linked with a specific word, and I just hadn't killed the dragons linked with the words I had known yet. Anyway, I can now use like ten different shouts, and only one (Unrelenting Force) is completed.
Well, that's all I have for today. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
After I left the tomb, I enabled all of the quests I had started. I chose to work on the one closest to my current destination. That one was to explore the Mages College in Winterhold. After some initial trouble on how to get to the place (because I am horrible with that map), I finally found the College and begun my journey at unraveling the secrets the old building holds. I really like the way the Magic School quest is done in this game compared to Oblivion. I am not having to travel all over the place just to gain entrance to the main building. I don't have to do stupid fetch quests at places all over the country in order to get permission to go the main building. It's all right there. And of course the drama with the two Elven women is there, that's reminiscent of any school. Only here, there's also a possible spy, claims of leaders not doing their job well, mysterious orbs showing up. and undead trying to kill me.
My character is Level 21 or 22 now. I forget to check before I shut off the PS3. During the play session, I received two trophies. The first for completing the Companions story, and the other for starting the Mages College story. The skills I have the highest amount in are Sneak and Destruction. I also work on the Illusion, Alteration, and Conjuration skills when I am traveling from place to place.
One thing I learned today was how to actually gain access to more Words of Power. I didn't know that you had to press the square button in order to link a dragon soul with the Words. I had been killing dragons, and not using the souls. I thought that each dragon was linked with a specific word, and I just hadn't killed the dragons linked with the words I had known yet. Anyway, I can now use like ten different shouts, and only one (Unrelenting Force) is completed.
Well, that's all I have for today. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Day 54: I need someone to call and remind me to Save periodically.
I think it just isn't in the cards for me to ever finish the quests for the Companions in Skyrim. I have killed all of the Glenmoril witches a total of four times, and something always happens before I remember to save the game. I told you about the first time last week. And then three times today I forgot to save often and had to redo everything.
The first time, I died because I racked up a bounty for killing some Thalmoor Justicier. The people of Whiterun banded together to be rid of me.
The second time, the game froze.
The third time, I was playing around with my Shouts (all two of them). I got the urge to use Unrelenting Force against a couple of giants. They chased me down, and I figured I could take them. When I went to use Unrelenting Force again, a Khajiit wanderer was also in the blast and he wasn't too happy about. He was what killed me.
So, I decided to not do that mission right now. I am now on the Evil In Waiting quest. However, I couldn't get the third vessel. It was behind a statue and I can't even see it. So, I will have to go back and try again later.
Anyway, this entry is going to be short. I played Skyrim a lot today, so there isn't a lot to talk about other than that. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The first time, I died because I racked up a bounty for killing some Thalmoor Justicier. The people of Whiterun banded together to be rid of me.
The second time, the game froze.
The third time, I was playing around with my Shouts (all two of them). I got the urge to use Unrelenting Force against a couple of giants. They chased me down, and I figured I could take them. When I went to use Unrelenting Force again, a Khajiit wanderer was also in the blast and he wasn't too happy about. He was what killed me.
So, I decided to not do that mission right now. I am now on the Evil In Waiting quest. However, I couldn't get the third vessel. It was behind a statue and I can't even see it. So, I will have to go back and try again later.
Anyway, this entry is going to be short. I played Skyrim a lot today, so there isn't a lot to talk about other than that. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Days 52 and 53: Not much of Anything
I apologize for not posting yesterday. There was a bad storm yesterday, and I was without power for most of the night. When the power came back, I made the decision to not post an entry because it was nearly midnight. I had to get up early this morning, and I wanted to be rested up for it. Anyway...
Yesterday, I played a few games. I worked on a few missions in both Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Basically, it was missions I had already done once before, and had to do them again because I died and didn't save my progress. I didn't advance the main questline in either game.
Due to the storm's blackout, I was reduced to playing games on my Nintendo DS. I figured I'd play a short game, one that I could possibly finish in the time it took the electric company to restore power to the neighborhood. As one would expect, it takes HUGE chunks of the game out or changes it to fit the game's needs. But all in all, it is okay to kill time.
Right now, I am on my way to the Restricted Section of the library to get the book needed to make the Polyjuice Potion. It won't take long, because I have played this game through several times in the past.
As for today, I haven't played anything. I was so tired after I got home from work that I slept for five hours. And when I woke up, I started typing this entry.
So, that's all for now. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Yesterday, I played a few games. I worked on a few missions in both Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Basically, it was missions I had already done once before, and had to do them again because I died and didn't save my progress. I didn't advance the main questline in either game.
Due to the storm's blackout, I was reduced to playing games on my Nintendo DS. I figured I'd play a short game, one that I could possibly finish in the time it took the electric company to restore power to the neighborhood. As one would expect, it takes HUGE chunks of the game out or changes it to fit the game's needs. But all in all, it is okay to kill time.
Right now, I am on my way to the Restricted Section of the library to get the book needed to make the Polyjuice Potion. It won't take long, because I have played this game through several times in the past.
As for today, I haven't played anything. I was so tired after I got home from work that I slept for five hours. And when I woke up, I started typing this entry.
So, that's all for now. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Day 51: Working on Completing the List
Unfortunately, I didn't play a lot today. I didn't sleep well last night, and I was so tired that I couldn't focus on doing much today. I did play some games though. The first was the video game version of the movie Flushed Away for PS2. I haven't seen the movie, so I am not sure what will happen. Anyway, I am at the point in the game where I have been flushed down the toilet, and have come out on the other end. The controls are easy to figure out, they're basic controls like the X button for jumping and the square button for attacking. All I know of the game is that there are more than ten levels, and the goal is to stop the toads from ruling the sewers (maybe?). How this mouse will accomplish that, I don't know.
Then I played Mario Bros. on my GameBoy Advance SP. It is the one where you have to fit the enemies from below or use the POW block to shake up the area. Then once they are taken car of, you receive coins for your hard work. The levels are very repetitive, so I stopped play at Level 18. It was the same enemies over and over, and it became boring. But I am going to count it as a completion.
Finally, I loaded up Atari Anthology this evening. I played several games, and I am going to count each of them as completed, because I didn't finish the game to a point where it became repetitive. Here's a list of what I am adding to the completed list.
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Then I played Mario Bros. on my GameBoy Advance SP. It is the one where you have to fit the enemies from below or use the POW block to shake up the area. Then once they are taken car of, you receive coins for your hard work. The levels are very repetitive, so I stopped play at Level 18. It was the same enemies over and over, and it became boring. But I am going to count it as a completion.
Finally, I loaded up Atari Anthology this evening. I played several games, and I am going to count each of them as completed, because I didn't finish the game to a point where it became repetitive. Here's a list of what I am adding to the completed list.
- Asteroids: Home Version
- 3D Tic Tac Toe
- Math Gran Prix
- Surround
- Breakout
- Fun With Numbers
- Hangman
- Maze Craze
- Super Breakout: Arcade Version
- Video Pinball
- Centipede: Arcade Version
So in all, that's 12 games added to the completion list. That makes it a total of 25 games. I will try and work on some more after I post this and my personal life blog entry. And with that, I have run out of things to report for you. So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 50: Actually, I'm Santa.
I played only two games today, and one of those I completed. The other is Osu!. I continued to climb the ranks of osu!mania. I am now ranked #858 in the U.S.A. and #16,997 in the world. I got lucky with the songs I played. For most of them, when I performed well I received performance points. Most of the ones I played today I managed to place in the Top 50 for each one. I only played single player today, so my ability was truly tested. With multiplayer, if you get far enough ahead of the others, you can slack off some and still possibly earn a point or two to raise your ranking.
Anyway, I just completed the newest two maps they made, and I rank first in both. So now my rank is #838 in the U.S.A., and #16,726 in the world. I will have to work on those maps to increase my score and keep my first place.
The game I finished today was 999. I guess it's not technically finished, as I only have reached one of the six endings. But I am counting it anyway. After all, I saved and the game says I completed the game. It wasn't the best ending, because my character didn't actually get off of the boat. 3 put a gun to 6's head, and forced 1 and 8 to leave with him and 6. That left me (5), 4, and 7 in the room. And then the coffin started having knocking noises, as if whatever was inside was wanting out. I apparently couldn't find any clues to open the coffin, so that's when the game ended. It said "To be continued" and "Wrong Answer" and "I'm Actually Santa".
As much as I want to go through and play again and get a different ending, I can't. After all, I never went through Door 2. I have the feeling that it will give me a different outcome than the one I received. On top of that, I also didn't go through the other doors that were possible when I had to choose. That's probably how there are six endings. Because there are six possible door combinations. Anyway, I have to work through the rest of the list for the challenge. Getting the other endings will wait until later. And by then, the game will be fresh again and I can play as if I hadn't played it before.
I haven't decided what I will be playing next. I have found that if I say I will play something, I will probably not play it. So, I won't broadcast what I am playing until I actually play it. That way the chance of me completing it is higher (maybe). Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Anyway, I just completed the newest two maps they made, and I rank first in both. So now my rank is #838 in the U.S.A., and #16,726 in the world. I will have to work on those maps to increase my score and keep my first place.
The game I finished today was 999. I guess it's not technically finished, as I only have reached one of the six endings. But I am counting it anyway. After all, I saved and the game says I completed the game. It wasn't the best ending, because my character didn't actually get off of the boat. 3 put a gun to 6's head, and forced 1 and 8 to leave with him and 6. That left me (5), 4, and 7 in the room. And then the coffin started having knocking noises, as if whatever was inside was wanting out. I apparently couldn't find any clues to open the coffin, so that's when the game ended. It said "To be continued" and "Wrong Answer" and "I'm Actually Santa".
As much as I want to go through and play again and get a different ending, I can't. After all, I never went through Door 2. I have the feeling that it will give me a different outcome than the one I received. On top of that, I also didn't go through the other doors that were possible when I had to choose. That's probably how there are six endings. Because there are six possible door combinations. Anyway, I have to work through the rest of the list for the challenge. Getting the other endings will wait until later. And by then, the game will be fresh again and I can play as if I hadn't played it before.
I haven't decided what I will be playing next. I have found that if I say I will play something, I will probably not play it. So, I won't broadcast what I am playing until I actually play it. That way the chance of me completing it is higher (maybe). Well, that's all for now. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, August 19, 2013
Day 49: CRASHing and FALLing OUT
Today I started the day by playing Crash Bandicoot. It is one of the first PlayStation games I have ever owned. I got it when I was only eleven years old, so it's been quite a long time. I am surprised it has lasted as long as it has. I have played and completed the game so many times that I was able to complete it easily today. I started playing it as soon as I woke up this morning, and was finished by lunchtime. I didn't 100% it, because it isn't necessary to complete the game. Besides, it doesn't feel like I actually complete the game by taking the shortcut to the end. If there isn't a final boss, then it isn't a proper game. And anyway, the second game continues where the non-100% ending ends. It wouldn't be connected otherwise.
My favorite levels are when you ride the boar. It puts your reaction ability to the test because you aren't able to turn back in case you miss something. I also like the river levels. One thing I don't like about this game that I am glad they changed in the future games is that you weren't able to save your progress with box busting if you died. In this game, you had to collect all of the boxes in one go. They fixed that in 2 and 3, and allowed you to keep the count in case of death.
After I finished Crash Bandicoot, I spent some time working on Osu! and raising my rank. And I accomplished my task as well. I am now #881 in the U.S.A. and #17,141 in the world in osu!mania. I found quite a few songs that aren't played often, and received high scores for them in single player mode. Then I went over to multiplayer and played some rounds with Kimmiee (Atca wasn't online at the time) and some others. There were some players ranked higher than I, but I held my own and managed to perform well against them.
That's also what I am doing now. I am playing against a few that are ranked higher than I am. I actually have had the game loaded up for nearly 12 hours today. But my brother wanted to use my computer so I played a different game when he was online. I just didn't turn the game off.
During my time away from Osu!, I played Fallout 3. I am already at Level 5. I am just doing random quests right now, because I don't like the main story quests. Maybe it is because of my strained relationship with my father (for more details on that, read my personal life blog), but I don't see the point of going after your father when he randomly leaves you to defend yourself when he puts your life in danger for putting his desires over that over the family's. So there is very little motivation for me to complete the main questline of this game. I probably will at some point, because how else will I complete the game.
I also progressed some in 999. Or I guess I could call it 379. After all, there are only 7 people still alive, and 3 hours left. I am really liking this game. I have my dry erase board filled with number combinations and the locations of the characters. I know that as it stands, there will be at most only five people to leave the "ship", which means that two more people will most likely die. I am leaning toward Lotus being one of the dead. I haven't figured out who the other person will be. Today I focused more on which room I should go into out of the three possible choices. I do know that there is only one choice that gets all seven to the next area, but I want to see what happened with the story if I should choose the other choices. I am saved right before I have to choose, so I can reload after finding out. I didn't expect Junpei (my character) to cheat though.
Well, that is all for tonight. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
My favorite levels are when you ride the boar. It puts your reaction ability to the test because you aren't able to turn back in case you miss something. I also like the river levels. One thing I don't like about this game that I am glad they changed in the future games is that you weren't able to save your progress with box busting if you died. In this game, you had to collect all of the boxes in one go. They fixed that in 2 and 3, and allowed you to keep the count in case of death.
After I finished Crash Bandicoot, I spent some time working on Osu! and raising my rank. And I accomplished my task as well. I am now #881 in the U.S.A. and #17,141 in the world in osu!mania. I found quite a few songs that aren't played often, and received high scores for them in single player mode. Then I went over to multiplayer and played some rounds with Kimmiee (Atca wasn't online at the time) and some others. There were some players ranked higher than I, but I held my own and managed to perform well against them.
That's also what I am doing now. I am playing against a few that are ranked higher than I am. I actually have had the game loaded up for nearly 12 hours today. But my brother wanted to use my computer so I played a different game when he was online. I just didn't turn the game off.
During my time away from Osu!, I played Fallout 3. I am already at Level 5. I am just doing random quests right now, because I don't like the main story quests. Maybe it is because of my strained relationship with my father (for more details on that, read my personal life blog), but I don't see the point of going after your father when he randomly leaves you to defend yourself when he puts your life in danger for putting his desires over that over the family's. So there is very little motivation for me to complete the main questline of this game. I probably will at some point, because how else will I complete the game.
I also progressed some in 999. Or I guess I could call it 379. After all, there are only 7 people still alive, and 3 hours left. I am really liking this game. I have my dry erase board filled with number combinations and the locations of the characters. I know that as it stands, there will be at most only five people to leave the "ship", which means that two more people will most likely die. I am leaning toward Lotus being one of the dead. I haven't figured out who the other person will be. Today I focused more on which room I should go into out of the three possible choices. I do know that there is only one choice that gets all seven to the next area, but I want to see what happened with the story if I should choose the other choices. I am saved right before I have to choose, so I can reload after finding out. I didn't expect Junpei (my character) to cheat though.
Well, that is all for tonight. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Day 48: One more completed!
I finished Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy a little bit ago. It is a nice and simple game. I like those kinds of games, because they are easy to get addicted to and not want to stop playing. My favorite character in the game is Samos, because deep down he was always supportive of the duo trying to save the world. He just didn't express it in a normal way.
Anyway, I didn't go for 100% completion of the game, because there isn't time in this challenge to 100% every game. So, I finished the game with 80%.
Now, I have completed 11 games so far in the challenge. I still have quite a few games with partial progress on them that I should complete before starting anything new. I am leaning toward Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. I have completed it once before, so I think I still remember how to finish the missions.
I also worked on raising my rank in Osu!, and I succeeded. I played multiplayer mode with some great players. The three of us were there for at least three hours while the other five spots were filled with players who would come and go. The three of us are now Facebook friends. Anyway, I am now ranked #18,037 in the world and #915 in the U.S.A. in osu!mania. I worked really hard to defeat Atca each round, and managed to do so a few times. Atca is one of the two friends I made while playing today. He is ranked #8,517 in the world in osu!mania. My other new friend, Kimmiee, just started a few days ago and is already ranked #168,292 in the world.
One reason why I perform well in songs is because I like the songs. If I don't like the song, I am more likely to perform badly. It is the same when I play other rhythm games. If the song is catchy, I will perform better than when I am doing a song that I don't like.
I didn't play any other games, but I don't have any plans for tomorrow. So, I will probably stay up and play something. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Anyway, I didn't go for 100% completion of the game, because there isn't time in this challenge to 100% every game. So, I finished the game with 80%.
Now, I have completed 11 games so far in the challenge. I still have quite a few games with partial progress on them that I should complete before starting anything new. I am leaning toward Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. I have completed it once before, so I think I still remember how to finish the missions.
I also worked on raising my rank in Osu!, and I succeeded. I played multiplayer mode with some great players. The three of us were there for at least three hours while the other five spots were filled with players who would come and go. The three of us are now Facebook friends. Anyway, I am now ranked #18,037 in the world and #915 in the U.S.A. in osu!mania. I worked really hard to defeat Atca each round, and managed to do so a few times. Atca is one of the two friends I made while playing today. He is ranked #8,517 in the world in osu!mania. My other new friend, Kimmiee, just started a few days ago and is already ranked #168,292 in the world.
One reason why I perform well in songs is because I like the songs. If I don't like the song, I am more likely to perform badly. It is the same when I play other rhythm games. If the song is catchy, I will perform better than when I am doing a song that I don't like.
I didn't play any other games, but I don't have any plans for tomorrow. So, I will probably stay up and play something. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, August 16, 2013
Day 47: Zooming
The big news of the day is that I am finally in the Top 1,000 among American osu!mania players. I am currently ranked #984. I now have to work hard to stay in the Top 1,000, because I already dropped below that once today. I was #998, and I took a break from playing. When I started up again, I had already dropped back down to #1,016. I found out that there are big month long competitions featuring specific beatmaps. I recently got them all for this month, and I have been trying my best at getting high scores. It has only been one day seen the start of the competition, but I am among the Top 10 osu!mania players (I come in at #9). In fact the U.S.A. has five of the Top 10 and ten of the Top 40 (they only show the Top 40 scores).
Today I played on a team as well. It was a lot of fun. The teams were almost evenly matched up as well. There were a team of four people from Chile playing against my team consisting of two Americans, one person from Greece, and our fourth was a switcher. We had a fourth from Indonesia, one from Chile (who eventually switched over to the other team when one of the originals left), and a couple from South America (I can't remember which countries). There were times in the beginning when the other team had more people playing than my team had. Most of those times though, my team still won. There was even one time my team left me stranded against three on the other team and I managed to win against them. Of course, the other team's players all failed the song, and I was about to fail as well. But I managed to squeak by and take the win.
I think that's how I managed to get the Performance Points needed to get in the Top 1,000 U.S.A. players. And as I type this, I have fallen into 10th Place in the monthly competition. There are now 6 American players in the Top 10.
I also played Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy today. I am still in Rock Village, but I have gotten quite a few more Power Cells. I have 45 of 100 Power Cells; 833 of 2,000 Precursor Orbs; and 53 of 112 Scout Flies; giving me a completion percentage of 44%. I have just moved the boulder that was blocking the path to the boss preventing me from moving forward. I still have the underwater area and the swampy area to go through, but I could face the boss right now. I think I will. Just a second...
One death...
Two deaths...
And I won! Now I can move on to the next Zoomer area that leads to the Red Sage's area. But before that, I will go and complete the areas I mentioned above first.
The last game I played today was 999. I solved the puzzle that I had trouble with, and have reach the next numbered door area. It was so brave of Ace to do what he did. I think I would have stayed behind as well. But not because I would believe the others who would get out might come back for me later. I probably would just give up and let the others move on. Right now I am trying to put together a mannequin in the operating room.
Well, that's all from me tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Today I played on a team as well. It was a lot of fun. The teams were almost evenly matched up as well. There were a team of four people from Chile playing against my team consisting of two Americans, one person from Greece, and our fourth was a switcher. We had a fourth from Indonesia, one from Chile (who eventually switched over to the other team when one of the originals left), and a couple from South America (I can't remember which countries). There were times in the beginning when the other team had more people playing than my team had. Most of those times though, my team still won. There was even one time my team left me stranded against three on the other team and I managed to win against them. Of course, the other team's players all failed the song, and I was about to fail as well. But I managed to squeak by and take the win.
I think that's how I managed to get the Performance Points needed to get in the Top 1,000 U.S.A. players. And as I type this, I have fallen into 10th Place in the monthly competition. There are now 6 American players in the Top 10.
I also played Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy today. I am still in Rock Village, but I have gotten quite a few more Power Cells. I have 45 of 100 Power Cells; 833 of 2,000 Precursor Orbs; and 53 of 112 Scout Flies; giving me a completion percentage of 44%. I have just moved the boulder that was blocking the path to the boss preventing me from moving forward. I still have the underwater area and the swampy area to go through, but I could face the boss right now. I think I will. Just a second...
One death...
Two deaths...
And I won! Now I can move on to the next Zoomer area that leads to the Red Sage's area. But before that, I will go and complete the areas I mentioned above first.
The last game I played today was 999. I solved the puzzle that I had trouble with, and have reach the next numbered door area. It was so brave of Ace to do what he did. I think I would have stayed behind as well. But not because I would believe the others who would get out might come back for me later. I probably would just give up and let the others move on. Right now I am trying to put together a mannequin in the operating room.
Well, that's all from me tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Day 46: Sleepy Entry
This will be a short entry. I am really tired and I feel as if I could fall asleep at the keyboard. I rushed myself at work today so I could I get home as early as possible, and now I am too tired to do much of anything.
The only game I played today was Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Right now, I have 36 Power Cells, 607 Precursor Orbs, and 46 Scout Flies. This is equivalent to 35% complete. I am currently at Rock Village, trying to earn enough Power Cells to power the Blue Sage's machine to lift the boulder.
I still think I can finish before Monday. That will be good. Then I can move on to something else. Well, I said it was going to be short today, and I have nothing else to write. So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play.
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The only game I played today was Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Right now, I have 36 Power Cells, 607 Precursor Orbs, and 46 Scout Flies. This is equivalent to 35% complete. I am currently at Rock Village, trying to earn enough Power Cells to power the Blue Sage's machine to lift the boulder.
I still think I can finish before Monday. That will be good. Then I can move on to something else. Well, I said it was going to be short today, and I have nothing else to write. So, in the coming day, enjoy the games you play.
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Day 45: Jak in a box
Today I played Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. It is a quick game for me to complete, so I figured I'd go ahead and get this one out of the way. It would also possibly motivate me to play Jak 2, which I haven't even attempted to play yet. I tried it out when I bought to make sure it worked, but that was it.
Anyway, I am already 20% complete with the game. I should be finished with it by Monday. I say Monday, because if I saw something closer something usually comes up to delay me. So, I will say Monday.
Last night while I was trying to go to sleep, I played some Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer. There weren't a lot of people online, so I didn't play much. I did complete Bomb Da Base II. I just need to finish Hangman's NOOSE and Deal Breaker, and I will get a trophy to add to the collection. I also did a few deathmatches. They weren't fun because the opponents were not wanting to play right. In one round, the opponent ran away from me the whole time. I made the one and only kill in the round. I learned that I don't like team deathmatches. Especially when I am grouped with two people who don't pull their weight. If they had even contributed, our team would have at least gotten 2nd place. I think the winners were using some sort of cheat technique. How else do you kill someone with one shot with a pistol in the game?
And that's about it. I did try playing 999, but I can't figure out the puzzle I am at. I keep doing the C + 10 + F math problem, but I don't seem to be able to get the right answer. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Anyway, I am already 20% complete with the game. I should be finished with it by Monday. I say Monday, because if I saw something closer something usually comes up to delay me. So, I will say Monday.
Last night while I was trying to go to sleep, I played some Grand Theft Auto IV multiplayer. There weren't a lot of people online, so I didn't play much. I did complete Bomb Da Base II. I just need to finish Hangman's NOOSE and Deal Breaker, and I will get a trophy to add to the collection. I also did a few deathmatches. They weren't fun because the opponents were not wanting to play right. In one round, the opponent ran away from me the whole time. I made the one and only kill in the round. I learned that I don't like team deathmatches. Especially when I am grouped with two people who don't pull their weight. If they had even contributed, our team would have at least gotten 2nd place. I think the winners were using some sort of cheat technique. How else do you kill someone with one shot with a pistol in the game?
And that's about it. I did try playing 999, but I can't figure out the puzzle I am at. I keep doing the C + 10 + F math problem, but I don't seem to be able to get the right answer. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Day 44: Monkeying Around
Today I played and completed Curious George, the PS2 game based from the animated film. Now, I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know how close the video game adaptation is compared to the movie. But after having completed the game in the amount of time it takes to watch the movie, I wouldn't say no if someone were to ask me if I would interested in seeing the film.
I thought the graphics were nice. The gameplay was much too easy. I liked how there weren't any boss fights or super difficult puzzles to solve. I really liked the mini-games. I think my favorite mini-game was the one where you have to pop the bubbles in the bathroom. I didn't like how it seemed that George was pretty much forced to do all of the work, and then at the end of the game Ted says "Alright, we did it." No, Ted, WE didn't do anything. I did everything. I was the one that ran out in the middle of the street to give you your hat. I was the one that tried to save your job. I was the one that had to risk breaking my neck just so you wouldn't get your precious yellow outfit wet because you didn't want to swim across a river. I was the one that had to climb up the giant cliff because you weren't able to do it yourself. So, no, WE didn't do it. I did it.
Anyway, it was a nice game. I was able to play it in a short amount of time and raise my completion percentage another 0.32%, to a total of 3.24%. I am on a roll now, huh!
I continued the story of 999 today as well. I didn't progress much. The team I am controlling became locked in a freezer, and then managed to get free from their cold graves. I have no idea how the other team is doing. Not a lot can be said other than I am anxious to find out how they manage to get to the end that I read. I know the true good ending, but I don't know any of the other endings (I read that there are six possible endings). I also know that in order to get the true ending, you have to play it once before and get a specific other ending. So, though I spoiled the game for myself, I didn't totally spoil it.
I printed out a copy of my game collection list so I can check off the games as I complete them today. I only got to highlight 10 of the games and mark them as completed. The highlighted ones are so far away from each other. It's eight pages long, so they are quite spread out. I will try and complete them as fast as possible. Well, that's all from me tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I thought the graphics were nice. The gameplay was much too easy. I liked how there weren't any boss fights or super difficult puzzles to solve. I really liked the mini-games. I think my favorite mini-game was the one where you have to pop the bubbles in the bathroom. I didn't like how it seemed that George was pretty much forced to do all of the work, and then at the end of the game Ted says "Alright, we did it." No, Ted, WE didn't do anything. I did everything. I was the one that ran out in the middle of the street to give you your hat. I was the one that tried to save your job. I was the one that had to risk breaking my neck just so you wouldn't get your precious yellow outfit wet because you didn't want to swim across a river. I was the one that had to climb up the giant cliff because you weren't able to do it yourself. So, no, WE didn't do it. I did it.
Anyway, it was a nice game. I was able to play it in a short amount of time and raise my completion percentage another 0.32%, to a total of 3.24%. I am on a roll now, huh!
I continued the story of 999 today as well. I didn't progress much. The team I am controlling became locked in a freezer, and then managed to get free from their cold graves. I have no idea how the other team is doing. Not a lot can be said other than I am anxious to find out how they manage to get to the end that I read. I know the true good ending, but I don't know any of the other endings (I read that there are six possible endings). I also know that in order to get the true ending, you have to play it once before and get a specific other ending. So, though I spoiled the game for myself, I didn't totally spoil it.
I printed out a copy of my game collection list so I can check off the games as I complete them today. I only got to highlight 10 of the games and mark them as completed. The highlighted ones are so far away from each other. It's eight pages long, so they are quite spread out. I will try and complete them as fast as possible. Well, that's all from me tonight. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, August 12, 2013
Day 43: A Phantastic Battle
I finally finished Chapter 2 of Phantasy Star Universe. I have played a total 4 hours and 15 minutes one those two chapters. I am pleased with how I performed in Chapter 2. Both of the trials I had in the chapter each ended up with a rank of A. I just read that there is a S-rank possible for the trials, so I guess my A-ranks aren't that impressive. Oh well.
Ethan is at Level 7 now. I try to make sure he attacks each of the monsters. That way he receives experience points regardless of who deals the final blow. It's kind of like how in Pokemon your team Pokemon receives experience even you switch it out with someone else.
It seemed like Ethan was doing all of the work when it came to cleaning up and disposing of the SEED. He would have to locate them, and then debilitate them, and then destroy them. Karen and Hyuga would just stand there. It's probably something that is easier done in the Network mode of the game. Because you aren't dealing with AI, you are able to delegate the jobs to your team.
The only other game I played today was 999. The team has split up and made their way through the two doors, one of which was painted with the insides of The 9th Man. Unfortunately, I spoiled the game for myself by looking up information on the game. I was just checking if there was a sequel (and there is), and I read too far and found out about the backstory of the game. Now I know how the game ends, but not what happens between where I am at now and the ending(s).
After I post this, I will be going back to Phantasy Star Universe. I want to start Chapter 3. Maybe buy some better weapons or upgrade the ones I have. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Ethan is at Level 7 now. I try to make sure he attacks each of the monsters. That way he receives experience points regardless of who deals the final blow. It's kind of like how in Pokemon your team Pokemon receives experience even you switch it out with someone else.
It seemed like Ethan was doing all of the work when it came to cleaning up and disposing of the SEED. He would have to locate them, and then debilitate them, and then destroy them. Karen and Hyuga would just stand there. It's probably something that is easier done in the Network mode of the game. Because you aren't dealing with AI, you are able to delegate the jobs to your team.
The only other game I played today was 999. The team has split up and made their way through the two doors, one of which was painted with the insides of The 9th Man. Unfortunately, I spoiled the game for myself by looking up information on the game. I was just checking if there was a sequel (and there is), and I read too far and found out about the backstory of the game. Now I know how the game ends, but not what happens between where I am at now and the ending(s).
After I post this, I will be going back to Phantasy Star Universe. I want to start Chapter 3. Maybe buy some better weapons or upgrade the ones I have. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 42: Saving (Not So) Often
I learned a valuable lesson today as well. I realized that the autosave function on a game is there for a reason, and that it's probably best to not turn it off. I was kicking butt in Skyrim today. I started the session at Level 18, working on the quest to cure Kodlak's werewolf powers. And everything went well. And things continued to go well when I discovered that Kodlak was murdered, and when I went to fetch the pieces of the axe that the Silver Hand stole (which was at a place I stumbled upon once before), and when Vilkas and I returned victorious in defeating the werewolf haters, and when I journeyed to Ysgramor's tomb.
It was when I got caught off guard in a battle with some ghosts that a Skeever came up and took my last bit of health. I hadn't saved at all during the session, and was sent back to my bed in Whiterun. I didn't want to go through all of that again, so I switched games.
I got the wild itch to play Final Fantasy XIII-2. However, I didn't last long. I got caught in a battle with a feral behemoth that I couldn't retreat from. Then when I went to 10AF, the battle with Snow against the Royal plant-flan thing (all I remember is that it had "royal" in the name) was taking forever and I hardly did any damage to the thing. So I stopped playing that.
I continued the story in 999. I guess you could say it is now 889, seeing as how there is now only eight hours, and 8 persons (why is it "persons" and not "people"?) left. I understand the premise for the Nonary game, though I never heard of it before playing this game. The characters in 999 are so diverse. I like how they are connecting everyone and making them work together. Normally, these types of people wouldn't necessarily even meet, let alone have to work together to survive.
In The Sims 3, I lived through a few more days. My kitchen sink broke, and there was water all over the floor when my Sim got back home from work. And of course my Sim was too hungry to clean up the mess or fix the sink. I did manage to get a promotion and afford to replace the stove. I haven't caused a fire, so at least he's able to eat hot meals now.
And now I am playing Phantasy Star Universe. I managed to get farther than I did the last time, but not much farther. Only one save point ahead of my previous location. But Ethan is one Level stronger now, so that's a plus. The SEED in this game remind me of the Sinspawn in Final Fantasy X. How the people have to defeat them quickly else it will become stronger and be unable to be defeated.
Well, that's all from me today. I am headed back to the world in Phantasy Star Universe. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
It was when I got caught off guard in a battle with some ghosts that a Skeever came up and took my last bit of health. I hadn't saved at all during the session, and was sent back to my bed in Whiterun. I didn't want to go through all of that again, so I switched games.
I got the wild itch to play Final Fantasy XIII-2. However, I didn't last long. I got caught in a battle with a feral behemoth that I couldn't retreat from. Then when I went to 10AF, the battle with Snow against the Royal plant-flan thing (all I remember is that it had "royal" in the name) was taking forever and I hardly did any damage to the thing. So I stopped playing that.
I continued the story in 999. I guess you could say it is now 889, seeing as how there is now only eight hours, and 8 persons (why is it "persons" and not "people"?) left. I understand the premise for the Nonary game, though I never heard of it before playing this game. The characters in 999 are so diverse. I like how they are connecting everyone and making them work together. Normally, these types of people wouldn't necessarily even meet, let alone have to work together to survive.
In The Sims 3, I lived through a few more days. My kitchen sink broke, and there was water all over the floor when my Sim got back home from work. And of course my Sim was too hungry to clean up the mess or fix the sink. I did manage to get a promotion and afford to replace the stove. I haven't caused a fire, so at least he's able to eat hot meals now.
And now I am playing Phantasy Star Universe. I managed to get farther than I did the last time, but not much farther. Only one save point ahead of my previous location. But Ethan is one Level stronger now, so that's a plus. The SEED in this game remind me of the Sinspawn in Final Fantasy X. How the people have to defeat them quickly else it will become stronger and be unable to be defeated.
Well, that's all from me today. I am headed back to the world in Phantasy Star Universe. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Day 41: A Sly-ght of Hand
One game I have been putting off playing is Sly 2: Band of Thieves. I completed the first of the series earlier this year, and I started this game but never finished it. Today, I wanted to tackle it and see how far I could progress in the game. I must admit that I didn't really like the game when I first played it. It was so different that the first that I couldn't stay interested in it. Now that I let the memories of the first game fade some, playing this game is actually fun.
I am still trying to get the tail feathers used for the printing press, but I am nearly finished with the mission. I do prefer not having to switch characters, but I do see why this game has that mechanic. They are making use of the other characters instead of keeping their labels as sidekicks. I don't particularly like that for games like this, but it's not something that would prevent me from playing the game at all.
I am hoping to receive all of the trophies for this game. And after how easy it was to get them for the first game, I believe it won't be difficult to get them for this one. For those that don't know, I am playing the PS3 collection of the games. I never even heard about this series before this year, so I figured I'd just get the collection rather than the games separately for PS2.
I also played Skyrim today. I didn't play much, because I forgot to watch my health and died because I wasn't paying attention.
The other game I played today was 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. I received it in the mail today. Yes, I know I said that one of the goals for this month was to not buy any more games and make this challenge more difficult than it already is; but the discount coupon from eBay I had was about to expire and it was cheap. So, I bought it. Anyway, the game is different than any others I have played. I am interested in how it will turn out. I have also been working on a video for it. I may try and record a playthrough of it once I finish it.
Well, that's everything I played today. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I am still trying to get the tail feathers used for the printing press, but I am nearly finished with the mission. I do prefer not having to switch characters, but I do see why this game has that mechanic. They are making use of the other characters instead of keeping their labels as sidekicks. I don't particularly like that for games like this, but it's not something that would prevent me from playing the game at all.
I am hoping to receive all of the trophies for this game. And after how easy it was to get them for the first game, I believe it won't be difficult to get them for this one. For those that don't know, I am playing the PS3 collection of the games. I never even heard about this series before this year, so I figured I'd just get the collection rather than the games separately for PS2.
I also played Skyrim today. I didn't play much, because I forgot to watch my health and died because I wasn't paying attention.
The other game I played today was 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. I received it in the mail today. Yes, I know I said that one of the goals for this month was to not buy any more games and make this challenge more difficult than it already is; but the discount coupon from eBay I had was about to expire and it was cheap. So, I bought it. Anyway, the game is different than any others I have played. I am interested in how it will turn out. I have also been working on a video for it. I may try and record a playthrough of it once I finish it.
Well, that's everything I played today. For the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, August 9, 2013
Day 40: Dark shadows across the sky
The main game I played today was The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I have advanced in the main story and even completed a few side quests as well. I was surprised at the how the main story is turning out. When I arrived at Kynesgrove and saw the two dragons, my jaw dropped. And now I am having to infiltrate a Thalmoor party.
One thing I was worried about in my questing today was that I was afraid of becoming a vampire when I was completing the quest Laid to Rest. First off, the story of this quest is really sad. And I wanted to lop Helgi's father's head when he said that he no longer needed Helgi because he had Alva. Then I remembered that vampires tend to seduce and brainwash people (thank you fictional shows on televisions and movies!) to do their bidding. His actions and what he would say seemed distant, but I was still angry. It just makes me think that he is a weak person and even if he was tricked, he should have died anyway.
I am glad I had the Calm spell, because I really needed it today. First on Helgi's father (who I can't remember his name). When I broke into Alva's house to find proof she was a vampire, he attacked me. I cast Calm, and all was fine. Then when I was in the vampire's lair, I accidentally shot an arrow at the guy who was on my side. He didn't like having an arrow sticking out of his head. So I cast Calm again and again. I had to cast it several times because the cave was a maze and I kept getting lost. And when the spell would wear off, he would start attacking me again. He was back to normal when we got back to town. And I had to pay my first fine for attacking him as well. Oh well, if he hadn't have gotten in my arrow's path, he wouldn't have the piercing headache. All's well, and that's all that matters.
Well, tomorrow I will play some more, and you should as well. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
One thing I was worried about in my questing today was that I was afraid of becoming a vampire when I was completing the quest Laid to Rest. First off, the story of this quest is really sad. And I wanted to lop Helgi's father's head when he said that he no longer needed Helgi because he had Alva. Then I remembered that vampires tend to seduce and brainwash people (thank you fictional shows on televisions and movies!) to do their bidding. His actions and what he would say seemed distant, but I was still angry. It just makes me think that he is a weak person and even if he was tricked, he should have died anyway.
I am glad I had the Calm spell, because I really needed it today. First on Helgi's father (who I can't remember his name). When I broke into Alva's house to find proof she was a vampire, he attacked me. I cast Calm, and all was fine. Then when I was in the vampire's lair, I accidentally shot an arrow at the guy who was on my side. He didn't like having an arrow sticking out of his head. So I cast Calm again and again. I had to cast it several times because the cave was a maze and I kept getting lost. And when the spell would wear off, he would start attacking me again. He was back to normal when we got back to town. And I had to pay my first fine for attacking him as well. Oh well, if he hadn't have gotten in my arrow's path, he wouldn't have the piercing headache. All's well, and that's all that matters.
Well, tomorrow I will play some more, and you should as well. So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Day 39: Nothing seems SIMple
Today when I was playing The Sims 3, it seemed like every bad thing that could happen did happen. While I was sleeping, a thief came in my house and stole my bathroom sink and toilet. I called the police, but they arrived a second after the thief got away. So the money I earned work as a test subject at the Science Center went to toward purchasing new ones.
Then as I was making pancakes, the stove caught on fire. Even with the insurance money, I don't have enough to replace it. Now, my Sim is reduced to eating cereal, canned soup, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I guess things could have gotten worse. I was afraid I was going to be late for work, because my Sim is so slow. It's his house, and yet he can't run inside it. One reason why I like directly controlling the characters. And my Sim isn't dead, so I have that going for me.
On top of that, my Sim made a friend! It was nice, because my Sim seems to be happy despite all of the things that are happening to him. They share the same first name, so to me that seems a little awkward. But they don't seem to mind. And they both work at the Science Center. The friend and my Sim met because he wanted my Sim to test something. And after my Sim came home with Minty Breath, he called the guy over to his house and they hit it off. Now they are good friends.
And sadly, that was the only game I played today. I will play something later tonight and tomorrow definitely. So for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Then as I was making pancakes, the stove caught on fire. Even with the insurance money, I don't have enough to replace it. Now, my Sim is reduced to eating cereal, canned soup, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
I guess things could have gotten worse. I was afraid I was going to be late for work, because my Sim is so slow. It's his house, and yet he can't run inside it. One reason why I like directly controlling the characters. And my Sim isn't dead, so I have that going for me.
On top of that, my Sim made a friend! It was nice, because my Sim seems to be happy despite all of the things that are happening to him. They share the same first name, so to me that seems a little awkward. But they don't seem to mind. And they both work at the Science Center. The friend and my Sim met because he wanted my Sim to test something. And after my Sim came home with Minty Breath, he called the guy over to his house and they hit it off. Now they are good friends.
And sadly, that was the only game I played today. I will play something later tonight and tomorrow definitely. So for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 38: Lonely, I'm Sim Lonely...
Today I played The Sims 3 for PS3. It's an okay game. The only major problem I have with the game is how you can't take directly control your character. I liked how in The Sims 2 (PS2) you could truly control the character. Where and what speed you walked, who you talked to, which items you wanted to interact with. This whole click on an object and your person will then walk or run to it is so frustrating. But I do like all of the new features in this game. Things like being able to go to a town and work or shops, businesses, classes. I like how your character isn't confined to just your yard; I like going across the street to the park and mingling with the neighbors. It's much better than having them constantly ringing my doorbell for hours and just standing at my door. That was my main problem with The Sims 2, and how people would just barge right in without knocking or ringing or even a phone call beforehand. Just because my relationship with you is at 75 or more does not give you the right to walk right in my bathroom while I am showering and just standing there not moving.
The only other problem I see with The Sims 3 is that there doesn't seem to be a set goal of the game. Unless the goal is for my character to publish a novel, which is what I chose when I was making him. I am not sure. I preferred there being Gold and Platinum Wants in The Sims 2.
If it isn't obvious, I really like The Sims 2. It is my favorite of the ones I have played. I haven't finished any of them, but from what I have played The Sims 2 is the best in my opinion.
Right now, my Sim lives alone in the cheapest house available. I purchased the unfurnished home, because I didn't need all that extra fluff. I bought the cheapest of everything I need for right now. And now my money is running low. I got a job in the Science track, because that was what showed up in the list of wishes. I have my first day coming up, so it will be great to make some money. My Sim is the type who prefers to stay at home and be on the computer. I tried to make him as close to myself in real life. In a way, it could be a way for me to learn to open up more in life. I am not sure if I will go the family route, or if it is even possible to build a family during the game. I know you can make one at the start, but I am not sure if you can during.
I just found out during the Skype chat I am in that it is only at the beginning that you can make a family. Not that it really mattered. The chance of me choosing to start a family was low anyway.
Well, that's all I have for now. For the coming day, enjoy all the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
The only other problem I see with The Sims 3 is that there doesn't seem to be a set goal of the game. Unless the goal is for my character to publish a novel, which is what I chose when I was making him. I am not sure. I preferred there being Gold and Platinum Wants in The Sims 2.
If it isn't obvious, I really like The Sims 2. It is my favorite of the ones I have played. I haven't finished any of them, but from what I have played The Sims 2 is the best in my opinion.
Right now, my Sim lives alone in the cheapest house available. I purchased the unfurnished home, because I didn't need all that extra fluff. I bought the cheapest of everything I need for right now. And now my money is running low. I got a job in the Science track, because that was what showed up in the list of wishes. I have my first day coming up, so it will be great to make some money. My Sim is the type who prefers to stay at home and be on the computer. I tried to make him as close to myself in real life. In a way, it could be a way for me to learn to open up more in life. I am not sure if I will go the family route, or if it is even possible to build a family during the game. I know you can make one at the start, but I am not sure if you can during.
I just found out during the Skype chat I am in that it is only at the beginning that you can make a family. Not that it really mattered. The chance of me choosing to start a family was low anyway.
Well, that's all I have for now. For the coming day, enjoy all the games you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Day 37: An Opinion
Today, I played Skyrim. And some Osu!. I didn't accomplish a whole lot in either game. That's about it.
So, today I will be posting my response to something I saw on YouTube about video games. I don't know this person, nor do I agree with what she is saying. As much as I want to not give this person any more views that she has already received for the series, I feel it important to allow the readers to watch and be informed.
After watching all three videos, I went to my game collection and figured that about 20-25% of my collection have main characters who could be described as independent or strong females. But surprisingly, none of those were even mentioned in any of her videos. One "dude in distress" situation would be Laura and Henri's relationship in Unlimited SaGa. It basically flips the gender roles in that Henri is a prince who is trying to escape capture from the people who killed his parents, and Laura is there to protect him. Then there's also some not as well-known characters like Konoko in Rockstar Games's Oni that she could have used to show that it's not just about boobs and cute voices when it comes to female characters.
However, there are some games that intentionally sexualize female characters because they have a specific demographic and design their game because it is more profitable. One example is Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.
I like watching the reaction videos to the series. From the ones I watched, they seemed very thought out and organized. And there are also a few female reactions, so it is nice to see both gender's responses. Here's one:
I just wish the comments section had been available. Disabling it just makes it seem that she's afraid of being called out for what a bunch believe to be wrong. It's like she knew even before posting the videos that what she said would have this kind of reaction, and wanted to completely avoid and not have to accept responsibility for what she said.
Finally, I have to say that the alleged death of Maria in Grand Theft Auto III made me happy. I say alleged, because the player only hears a gunshot. For all we know, he was firing a warning shot to shut off her incessant rambling, or his gun fired accidentally. As many times as I purposely failed missions with Maria just so she could die, she was helpful once. But yeah, I was happy when she "died".
So, today I will be posting my response to something I saw on YouTube about video games. I don't know this person, nor do I agree with what she is saying. As much as I want to not give this person any more views that she has already received for the series, I feel it important to allow the readers to watch and be informed.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Here's my response to this series of videos. It will also be posted over on
Square Enix Origin, a forum I visit a lot.
I wish that if she was going to address the issue of sexism or whatever she was blabbering on about, she would have included more examples of strong, empowered female characters. Instead of dismissing the attempts at games who focus on such characters as weak and comical, she could have talked about the gradual increase in the number of female heroines.
After watching all three videos, I went to my game collection and figured that about 20-25% of my collection have main characters who could be described as independent or strong females. But surprisingly, none of those were even mentioned in any of her videos. One "dude in distress" situation would be Laura and Henri's relationship in Unlimited SaGa. It basically flips the gender roles in that Henri is a prince who is trying to escape capture from the people who killed his parents, and Laura is there to protect him. Then there's also some not as well-known characters like Konoko in Rockstar Games's Oni that she could have used to show that it's not just about boobs and cute voices when it comes to female characters.
However, there are some games that intentionally sexualize female characters because they have a specific demographic and design their game because it is more profitable. One example is Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball.
I like watching the reaction videos to the series. From the ones I watched, they seemed very thought out and organized. And there are also a few female reactions, so it is nice to see both gender's responses. Here's one:
[For this blog entry, I will be including it below]
I just wish the comments section had been available. Disabling it just makes it seem that she's afraid of being called out for what a bunch believe to be wrong. It's like she knew even before posting the videos that what she said would have this kind of reaction, and wanted to completely avoid and not have to accept responsibility for what she said.
Finally, I have to say that the alleged death of Maria in Grand Theft Auto III made me happy. I say alleged, because the player only hears a gunshot. For all we know, he was firing a warning shot to shut off her incessant rambling, or his gun fired accidentally. As many times as I purposely failed missions with Maria just so she could die, she was helpful once. But yeah, I was happy when she "died".
And here's the videos that I mentioned in that forum post:
InuitInua's Response to Part 1
InuitInua's Response to Part 2
InuitInua's response to Part 3
There were tens of videos from all over the spectrum responding to this. Most were from guys, because after all guys are more likely to take offense to this topic. However, I'm including one from a female to show that not all women think the same way Anita does. I think that Anita's opinion is too extreme and took things a bit too far. And to see that other women do not think this is great for discounting Anita's radical opinions.
Anyway, check out these videos and all of the other response videos that are available on YouTube. Be sure to give Inuitinua's videos a Like and Share it with everyone. She also has a blog here on blogspot and YouTube channel. Here's her contact information:
So, for the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
YouTube Channel:
So, for the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Monday, August 5, 2013
Day 36: About to Break Through
I was on the top of my game today when I played Osu!, both Single- and Multi-player. I raised my rank quite a bit in osu!mania. I have almost reached my goal of Top 1,000 in the country. Right now, I am #1,002. I tried playing all the songs I have but haven't played yet, and I nearly cracked the Top 1,000. I am 3 performance points away from getting there. If I could catch some high ranking players online then maybe I perform better than them and get the points I need. It will be difficult. There aren't as many ahead of me now, because I rank #19,920 in the world. It's still a lot, but some no longer play, and others are in a different part of the world and I can't seem to catch them.
When I wasn't playing Osu!, I was playing Skyrim. The big quests I completed today was to save Thorold from the Thalmoor and restored the temple of Meridia. Other than that, I just finished little quests here and there. I retrieved Nettlebane and collected a sapling for the temple of Kynareth. Now I am back in Whiterun, resting at my home.
I think tomorrow I will switch it up and play something shorter. Something I can complete in a day and increase the completion percentage. And with that, I have nothing else to talk about. Anyway, for the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
When I wasn't playing Osu!, I was playing Skyrim. The big quests I completed today was to save Thorold from the Thalmoor and restored the temple of Meridia. Other than that, I just finished little quests here and there. I retrieved Nettlebane and collected a sapling for the temple of Kynareth. Now I am back in Whiterun, resting at my home.
I think tomorrow I will switch it up and play something shorter. Something I can complete in a day and increase the completion percentage. And with that, I have nothing else to talk about. Anyway, for the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Day 35: Like one of EXO's songs.
I had Osu! on for nearly twelve hours today. But I only played for maybe fifteen minutes. I usually load up the program so I could listen to the music. It's like a fun way to play music. You can play music, and you can PLAY music! And with it linked with my Raptr account, I am now in the Top 3.0% of players online.
I spent most of my time playing Skyrim. I completed quests here and there. I am trying to complete as much as possible. I want the experience, because I am not the strongest physically. Being a magic user has some disadvantages. Like having to alter defense stats in order to prevent death when a giant hits you with his club. I don't know why he got upset with me. All I did was try to kill him. He couldn't have been hurt too much when I shot him with an arrow.
I also became a werewolf today in the game. I personally only did it to unlock more quests and to help find a cure for it. That's also why I sometimes become a vampire in Oblivion, to find a cure.
Then, I spent some of this afternoon playing Need for Speed and Sly 2 with the kid I tutor. My brother was watching him, and he wanted to play video games with me.
After this is posted, I will be going back to the game. So for the coming day, enjoy whatever game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
I spent most of my time playing Skyrim. I completed quests here and there. I am trying to complete as much as possible. I want the experience, because I am not the strongest physically. Being a magic user has some disadvantages. Like having to alter defense stats in order to prevent death when a giant hits you with his club. I don't know why he got upset with me. All I did was try to kill him. He couldn't have been hurt too much when I shot him with an arrow.
I also became a werewolf today in the game. I personally only did it to unlock more quests and to help find a cure for it. That's also why I sometimes become a vampire in Oblivion, to find a cure.
Then, I spent some of this afternoon playing Need for Speed and Sly 2 with the kid I tutor. My brother was watching him, and he wanted to play video games with me.
After this is posted, I will be going back to the game. So for the coming day, enjoy whatever game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Day 34: A Grown Man Catching Butterflies
I am going to rant a little to start this entry. I have only one problem playing against others in Osu!. Only one. I can't stand the people who can't decide what song they want to play. They'll choose it and set it up, but then they'll change it. It is so annoying! I get the beatmap to start downloading, and then the person changes the song. And they do it so many times! And when they finally stop, I have ten beatmaps all trying to download at once. Then they get so impatient because I am holding up the game because my computer is bogged down with songs.
Not only that, but the game only lets you download so many maps at a time. And if you reach your limit, you have to wait for so long to get the chance to try again. The only thing you can do is hope that they end up choosing a song you have, try and convince them to wait, or leave the room.
That's why I hate hosting a room when I play multiplayer. I'd rather download a beatmap that someone else has than have other players have to download one. And the language difference also hinders me trying to tell them to choose one song and stick to it. There should be a way to report the people who can't make up their mind and choose one song.
Anyway, I am not even playing anymore and I still have three maps to download. At least if the songs come up again, I will have them ready.
I spent most of the day playing Skyrim. I decided to not venture in the spooky ice cave, because the monsters in there were really difficult to defeat. I instead made my way back to where I started. And once again, I got lost. I don't like to fast travel because you lose out on experience and increasing your skills. So I walked the whole way. When I finally reached my destination, I set off to complete quests that were closer to where I was. There will be no more wild expeditions to places that are so far away. I will gradually expand my travels and learn the lay of the land that way.
Right now, I am a Level 6 Breton with a magic/stealth specialization. I mainly go with magic attacks, and use archery and sneaking only when necessary. I am also not using armor. I am clothed, but only with magic robes. It is much different than how I usually play Skyrim. Normally I play as a strict sneaking specialist, because restoration magic is not needed as much in this game. Since you gradually regain health, healing spells are not a priority. When I would play Oblivion, my restoration skill is always the highest of my skills.
I am planning on playing until I become tired tonight. Lately, I have been up until nearly three in the morning. So I should be up for a while yet. If you see me on PSN, feel free to chat with me. That's all from me. For the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Not only that, but the game only lets you download so many maps at a time. And if you reach your limit, you have to wait for so long to get the chance to try again. The only thing you can do is hope that they end up choosing a song you have, try and convince them to wait, or leave the room.
That's why I hate hosting a room when I play multiplayer. I'd rather download a beatmap that someone else has than have other players have to download one. And the language difference also hinders me trying to tell them to choose one song and stick to it. There should be a way to report the people who can't make up their mind and choose one song.
Anyway, I am not even playing anymore and I still have three maps to download. At least if the songs come up again, I will have them ready.
I spent most of the day playing Skyrim. I decided to not venture in the spooky ice cave, because the monsters in there were really difficult to defeat. I instead made my way back to where I started. And once again, I got lost. I don't like to fast travel because you lose out on experience and increasing your skills. So I walked the whole way. When I finally reached my destination, I set off to complete quests that were closer to where I was. There will be no more wild expeditions to places that are so far away. I will gradually expand my travels and learn the lay of the land that way.
Right now, I am a Level 6 Breton with a magic/stealth specialization. I mainly go with magic attacks, and use archery and sneaking only when necessary. I am also not using armor. I am clothed, but only with magic robes. It is much different than how I usually play Skyrim. Normally I play as a strict sneaking specialist, because restoration magic is not needed as much in this game. Since you gradually regain health, healing spells are not a priority. When I would play Oblivion, my restoration skill is always the highest of my skills.
I am planning on playing until I become tired tonight. Lately, I have been up until nearly three in the morning. So I should be up for a while yet. If you see me on PSN, feel free to chat with me. That's all from me. For the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Day 33: What the Falmer!
Today I worked on a save file of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I am now a Thane of whatever the place is called. I am horrible with names of places in this game because they sound the same to me. And I don't know how to describe the place I am at either because I don't know the names of people or buildings. It's whatever the first hold is called where you kill the first dragon. After that, I decided against going to the 7,000 steps because that is really boring and I want to do some of these side quests first. So now I am making my way to Azura's Shrine to do something there. I don't know what. I haven't played too much of this game, so I don't know much about the quests. And as tempted as I am to research the stuff online, I must try to fight the temptation.
Which didn't work out too well considering I looked up who Cicero was. I waited until after I did the mission though before looking it up. It turns out I chose the right outcome, I think. I didn't report Cicero to the guards. So I am hoping that those people don't end up slaughtered.
And come to find out, I went the wrong way while going to Azura's shrine. At least I think I went the wrong way. I don't think I was supposed to meet Cicero on the road. I think I was supposed to take the next left turn on the road. Anyway, I am making up for it now. How? Because I am lost on a snowy mountain at a lighthouse. And not the type with a nice old man with a cup of hot tea to warm me up. I am at the type of lighthouse where there are people dead on the floor and monsters trying to kill me. On top of that, they seem really skilled at killing me. I am scared and alone in some freaky basement where giant scorpions and alien-looking goblins are trying to kill me!
And that's where I was all day today, in Skyrim. I hope your travels went better than mine. For the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Which didn't work out too well considering I looked up who Cicero was. I waited until after I did the mission though before looking it up. It turns out I chose the right outcome, I think. I didn't report Cicero to the guards. So I am hoping that those people don't end up slaughtered.
And come to find out, I went the wrong way while going to Azura's shrine. At least I think I went the wrong way. I don't think I was supposed to meet Cicero on the road. I think I was supposed to take the next left turn on the road. Anyway, I am making up for it now. How? Because I am lost on a snowy mountain at a lighthouse. And not the type with a nice old man with a cup of hot tea to warm me up. I am at the type of lighthouse where there are people dead on the floor and monsters trying to kill me. On top of that, they seem really skilled at killing me. I am scared and alone in some freaky basement where giant scorpions and alien-looking goblins are trying to kill me!
And that's where I was all day today, in Skyrim. I hope your travels went better than mine. For the coming day, enjoy every game you play!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Friday, August 2, 2013
Day 32: Not how I wanted to Start month 2.
Unfortunately, the only game I played today was Osu!. And that was only for a few minutes. I didn't get home from work until much later than normal, and then I had to work here at home. And after all of that, I took a much needed nap.
But, I have no plans until next Thursday, so that gives me until then to play all I want. And I plan to do just that.
Actually, I am going to be playing something as soon as I post this entry here. I haven't decided what, or for how long, but I will play something before I go to sleep tonight. I will be sure to mention it in the next entry.
Sorry that this entry is so short. I hope that you enjoy whatever you play in the coming day!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
But, I have no plans until next Thursday, so that gives me until then to play all I want. And I plan to do just that.
Actually, I am going to be playing something as soon as I post this entry here. I haven't decided what, or for how long, but I will play something before I go to sleep tonight. I will be sure to mention it in the next entry.
Sorry that this entry is so short. I hope that you enjoy whatever you play in the coming day!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
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