Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 145: To Bomb or not to Bomb

One of the biggest decisions I always have trouble with when I play Fallout 3 is to either blow up Megaton, or keep it safe.  Normally I go for saving the city, but I always wonder what if I were to be mean and blow it all up.  My moral compass is just so strong that I can't do it.  I guess the descriptions online will suffice.

Anyway, I didn't get around to playing Final Fantasy IX today; because I was playing Fallout 3 and Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy.  I am having a slow time of Fallout 3, because I have about 30 pounds of extra weight I'm carrying.  I want to sell some of it, but the store isn't open yet.  And I can do things before it opens to help reduce the amount.  I have a lot of scrap metal I can give to Walter now that I finished fixing the leaking pipes.

And in Duodecim, I began journeying as Vaan.  I learned that I shouldn't go up against the Kuja Maniken after I have already fought 4 battles in a 5-battle chain.  I will lose, every time.  I like battling as Vaan way more than Lightning.  Maybe because I have spent hundreds of hours playing as Vaan in Final Fantasy XII, compared to the tens as Lightning.  Anyway, I really like how it's giving a different viewpoint as well as the one I'm fighting as.  And how some of the characters are on a different side than in the first game is neat as well.  Especially with Cloud and Terra.  Well, maybe Terra, I don't know about her.

The new monthly competition in Osu! has started.  I have gone through all 6 maps for osu!mania, and I am currently in 12th Place after only one full run of the maps.  And I didn't know about this until a couple days ago, but there is a leader board for those who gained the most points on maps.  And I am on it!  I currently rank #708 in highest score.  I am still practicing for the tournament, but I have taken a little break on the tournament maps for right now.  I don't want to become bored with them.

Tomorrow I am going to make another attempt at playing Final Fantasy IX.  But since the osu! World Cup is having matches tomorrow (Top 8), I will be watching that as well.  And with that, we have come to the end of another entry.  So, for the coming day, enjoy the games you play!

Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎

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