The preparations for the challenge are as complete as they can get. Unfortunately, my video capture card isn't working properly. So videos to go along with these entries will be few and far between for now. I do have my webcam set up to record images, but it won't be very good quality for the videos. Anyway, for the purpose of this blog, videos will be minimal anyway. I will probably record boss fights (if applicable for the game) or some other tidbits about my progress in the challenge. I am not sure. All I know is that I am as ready as I can be, and I am excited to get started.
Everything as far as the actual playing of the game is ready to begin. I have already check the game out, and it works perfectly. I will be using my black PS2 to play the game, rather than my trusty silver one. It works in both, so I just wanted to be super sure that everything is ready. Some games don't play in the silver one, but work well in the black one (Xenosaga I, Metal Gear Solid 2). The controller is in working condition, and the memory card has plenty of space on it. So all I have to do is actually play.
Anyway, I am thinking of starting right at midnight tonight. I will probably tap a short nap now and then wake up in time to start. And since I don't have work until Tuesday, I have the whole day to just focus on gaming and the challenge. So, I am going to cut this blog entry short, and finalize everything for later.
Well, I will back online in about an hour. I hope to see you then!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Join me as I take a journey to finish every video game I own. Feel free to offer advice whenever you want. It's clear that I couldn't finish these games without some help; so if you want to help out, I am all for it.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Day -3: The First Game Is Chosen
Hello again everyone! I am back with the second preview blog entry before I begin my Completion Challenge. I listed all of the possible games I could play, and it totaled to 302. Those compilation games sure do have a ton of games on them. Anyway, I spent about five hours deciding which game I play to kick off this challenge. But first, here's a little information about each of the final six choices.
1. Atari Anthology - Pong (PS2 - 2004):

One of two Atari Anthology games to make it to the Final 6 Picks. Pong itself is a game that has a simple concept, a long history, and is one game that I am horrible at playing. I don't what it is, but I can never win when I play this. Even on the most basic difficulty I have trouble. I am good at playing tennis, so my lack of skill at playing Pong is baffling to me. Maybe it's because I am so used to seeing the ball coming toward me that watching it from a different view is not something I can get used to. I don't know.
One of things that makes Atari Anthology's Pong different compared to the original is the special modes that you can play the game on. There's a Time Challenge, where you have only a limited time to get the most points. Then there's Trippy Mode, where the colors become distorted (they call it a "mind-warping experience") and makes it very difficult to see where the ball and paddles are on the screen. Next, your gaming experience is affected in Time Warp mode by the speed changing at random moments. Fast or slow, you have to be able to change reaction times at a glance. There's also a Double Speed mode, that plays the entire game in well, double the speed as normal. And finally, in Hot Seat mode, the actual game you are playing will change. I am not sure which games you play along with Pong, but I do know that it changes the game at random times, having you change your play style a lot.
However, this is not the game I will be playing.
2. Atari Anthology - Swordquest: Waterworld (PS2 - 2004):

But sadly, this didn't get chosen as the first game to play.
3. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GameBoy Advance - 2003):

First, I don't like how the characters learn abilities. It's the same way as in Final Fantasy IX, and I really like it then. It's just that I would have to outfit the characters with the same things multiple times in order to get all of the abilities. And since advanced jobs are linked with the quantity of the lower jobs, it's just too much.
Second, there are too many characters. I prefer a RPG to have a small battle party, four being optimal. With this game, there are just too many characters. And then, you can send the ones you aren't using for battle on little sidequests. Sure, it allows to not think about them for a little bit, but they are still there. I think what my main problem with the amount of characters, equipment, and abilities is that I would have preferred to see all the information on one screen rather than having to switch screens all the time. When I would attempt to play this game, I'd have my dry erase board filled with stat information, abilities and equipment logs, and character stuff. There is just so much information, and because it wasn't all together on the screen, it may have led to my not wanting to finish it.
Third, the laws. Oh my gosh, by the final boss fight the laws were outrageous. And on top of that, I couldn't negate the laws or change them! During my last attempt at completing the game, I got to the second stage of the final boss fight. I couldn't change the laws, and the characters I had available were not suited for the battle, and there was nothing I could do about it. I even went and waited for "days" to get more preferable laws, but there would always be one law that would be stuck in there that would hinder me. But the boss would still be perfectly capable of defeat me.
Thankfully, I am not playing this first!
4. Midway Arcade Treasures 3 – Badlands (XBOX - 2005)
I have never actually played this game. It was a game that came with the XBOX when my Mom gave it to us kids. When she gave it to us, I was a "I am strict SONY gamer, and Microsoft sucks!" kind of person. And at the time, I didn't like racing games, especially arcade style racing games. I was not good at steering, or braking, or anything associated with the genre. My brother was the racing game player in our house.
Anyway, this game takes place in post nuclear war era? I don't really know what that looks like in this game. If it's like Fallout 3, then it is definitely not somewhere that is not suited for driving. From the manual's description of the game, you drive and you can shoot the other racers. That's it.
By the grace of the gaming gods, this game did not win the first place spot.
5. Sega Genesis Collection - Comix Zone (PS2 - 2006):
This game is odd. I haven't gotten past the first level, so I don't know how odd it actually is. But from what I have played in the past, it's odd. Here's the description from the SGC manual.
With his blond ponytail and tiny shades, comic book artist Sketch Turner is as hip as they come. But all the hipness in the world won't help him when his own creations turn against him. Mortus, the main villain in Sketch's comic book comes to life after a bizarre thunderstorm, blasting the artist into his own comic book where he must fight off an army of mutant warriors.It's a pretty basic platform game. It's has good graphics for it's time. It came out in 1995, so it's graphics are most definitely better than that of the Atari Top 6 games. It may or may not have a story to it. I haven't gotten very far in it before, so I am not sure.
Though I was kind of looking forward to playing this one, it didn't win. The next game I talk about is the one that will begin the challenge.
6. Sonic Unleashed (PS2 - 2007)
This is actually one game that I have finished before. But the challenge is to finish every game I own in the 6 months, so even those games that I have completed are on the list. Though I have finished the story, I haven't 100%'ed it. There were still tons of things I needed to collect. But I know the basic story and what happens.
I think this is my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog game. It's not just the fast hedgehog that can slide on pipes and run super fast in this game. It has a precision element and battle mechanics that you don't normally see in a Sonic game. And Chip is my all-time favorite character in the series now. Beating out Tails and Cream.
So in this game, Sonic has been transformed into a Werewolf-type creature. Every night his body changes into a gristly monster with some butt-kicking prowess. Where his fast feet and legs are his strong point in the day light, at night his stretchy arms are massive punches take precedence.
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How did I go about choosing what game I would play? In a way, it was randomized. I had all of the games listed in alphabetical order. Then to make it fun and not mind numbing, I went over to Board Game Online and played a few games there. Every time the dice was rolled, I would go down the list and mark off one of the games. I played five games today. Here's the breakdown:
Round 1: 302 started, 234 moved on to the next round
Round 2: 234 started, 110 moved on to the next round
Round 3: 110 started, 58 moved on to the next round
Round 4: 58 started, 6 moved on to the next round
Round 5: 6 started, 1 won the chance to be played first.
Anyway, that's how I got to choose which game would start off this challenge. On Monday, I will play as much as possible so I can get it done and move on to the next one. Now, I won't move on down the list. It will be a completely different evaluation to see which one gets played next. And chances are that I will have more games by the time I have to pick one to play after this first one.
The next entry is probably going to come up on Sunday evening. I think I will try and do a marathon gaming session starting at Midnight on July 1, 2013. So the entry on Sunday will be the big kickoff entry. Here's hoping everything goes well with you, and have fun with what ever it is you choose to do!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Day -5: A bit about what I plan to do.
Hi there! I am Michael. I go by a few names around the Internet. Some gaming forums know me as Michael Swayne. On YouTube, I am michaelswayne. And other places, I am called me3lingual (PSN, Osu!, etc. Anyway, in my 26.5 years of live on this big rock we call home, I have racked up quite a list of video games that I have never finished. Quite a list. I used to be proud of my completion percentage back when I first started gaming. I had only a few games, but I had completed them all. After I became an adult and could afford to buy video games whenever I felt the urge for a new game, my percentage dropped. A lot. Like from 100% to 44%. It is not where I wanted to be at this point in my life.
I thought that I would have all these games, and have the ability to say "yeah, I played and finished that game." But sadly, I am stuck saying, "Oh, that game? Yeah, I played it. I haven't finished it though." I say that about a lot of the games in my collection. Most of the time, I stop playing a game because I get to a really difficult spot, and I am unable to get passed that point. Then I stop playing, and never play it again. Other times, I buy a new game that transfers my attention to it, and the game I was playing before begins a long life of collecting dust. And then there's those times where I buy a game because the cover looks neat, or I heard from a friend that it's a great game, and it turns out to be a game I can't stand to play. I will play it for a half hour or so, and then never play again.
I love keeping track of things. If I can list it, or make a spreadsheet about something, I will do it with a smile on my face. As I was making a list of all the video games I own, the smile I usually have while listing things became a frown. As each game title was added to the list, I realized just how many games I have actually finished.
That's why I am starting this blog. I want to record my journey to complete every game I own. Whether it be in this blog, or on my YouTube channel, or whatever. I just think that if I make it public of my intentions, I could get some support or advice on how to defeat the bosses that have always given me trouble. Solve the puzzles I can't solve alone. Win the races that I can't even finish.
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I have what I consider to be a big collection of games and systems, but I know people with a whole lot more than I do. I own two PS2s, a PS3, a XBOX, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo GameCube, two GameBoy Advance SPs, and a Nintendo DS. In all, I have 162 playable games. I also have two Super Nintendo games that I have never played, let alone know if they even work (I don't, nor have I ever owned a Super Nintendo). And I recently bought a game from eBay (as in, a couple hours ago) that hasn't arrived yet. This number doesn't include the games that are actually compilation games that have more than one game included. It also doesn't include the few PC games or PSN games I own. The actual number of games I could play is more than 300.
Below is the list I compiled today of what games I own.
I thought that I would have all these games, and have the ability to say "yeah, I played and finished that game." But sadly, I am stuck saying, "Oh, that game? Yeah, I played it. I haven't finished it though." I say that about a lot of the games in my collection. Most of the time, I stop playing a game because I get to a really difficult spot, and I am unable to get passed that point. Then I stop playing, and never play it again. Other times, I buy a new game that transfers my attention to it, and the game I was playing before begins a long life of collecting dust. And then there's those times where I buy a game because the cover looks neat, or I heard from a friend that it's a great game, and it turns out to be a game I can't stand to play. I will play it for a half hour or so, and then never play again.
I love keeping track of things. If I can list it, or make a spreadsheet about something, I will do it with a smile on my face. As I was making a list of all the video games I own, the smile I usually have while listing things became a frown. As each game title was added to the list, I realized just how many games I have actually finished.
That's why I am starting this blog. I want to record my journey to complete every game I own. Whether it be in this blog, or on my YouTube channel, or whatever. I just think that if I make it public of my intentions, I could get some support or advice on how to defeat the bosses that have always given me trouble. Solve the puzzles I can't solve alone. Win the races that I can't even finish.
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I have what I consider to be a big collection of games and systems, but I know people with a whole lot more than I do. I own two PS2s, a PS3, a XBOX, a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo GameCube, two GameBoy Advance SPs, and a Nintendo DS. In all, I have 162 playable games. I also have two Super Nintendo games that I have never played, let alone know if they even work (I don't, nor have I ever owned a Super Nintendo). And I recently bought a game from eBay (as in, a couple hours ago) that hasn't arrived yet. This number doesn't include the games that are actually compilation games that have more than one game included. It also doesn't include the few PC games or PSN games I own. The actual number of games I could play is more than 300.
Below is the list I compiled today of what games I own.
Game Title | System | |
1 | Ape Escape 3 | PS2 |
2 | Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? | NintendoDS |
3 | Atari Anthology | PS2 |
4 | ATV Offroad Fury | PS2 |
5 | Bully | PS2 |
6 | Cabel's Deer Hunt: 2004 Season | XBOX |
7 | Cabela's Dangerous Hunts | XBOX |
8 | Catherine | PS3 |
9 | Chicken Little | PS2 |
10 | Crash & Spyro Superpack | GBA |
11 | Crash Bandicoot | PlayStation |
12 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back | PlayStation |
13 | Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped | PlayStation |
14 | Crash Nitro Kart | PS2 |
15 | Crash Tag Team Racing | PS2 |
16 | Crash TwinSanity | PS2 |
17 | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon | XBOX |
18 | Curious George | PS2 |
19 | Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME | PS2 |
20 | Deus Ex: Human Revolution | PS3 |
21 | Driver 2 | PlayStation |
22 | Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures | PS2 |
23 | EOE: Eve of Extinction | PS2 |
24 | EverGrace | PS2 |
25 | F1 World Grand Prix | PlayStation |
26 | Fallout 3 | PS3 |
27 | Fantavision | PS2 |
28 | Final Fantasy Anthology | PlayStation |
29 | Final Fantasy Chronicles | PlayStation |
30 | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls | GBA |
31 | Final Fantasy III | NintendoDS |
32 | Final Fantasy IX | PlayStation |
33 | Final Fantasy Tactics | PlayStation |
34 | Final Fantasy Tactics Advance | GBA |
35 | Final Fantasy V Advance | GBA |
36 | Final Fantasy VII | PlayStation |
37 | Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus | PS2 |
38 | Final Fantasy VIII | PlayStation |
39 | Final Fantasy X | PS2 |
40 | Final Fantasy X-2 | PS2 |
41 | Final Fantasy XII | PS2 |
42 | Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings | NintendoDS |
43 | Final Fantasy XIII | PS3 |
44 | Final Fantasy XIII-2 | PS3 |
45 | Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light | NintendoDS |
46 | Flushed Away | PS2 |
47 | Ford Racing 2 | PS2 |
48 | Frogger | PlayStation |
49 | Gex 64 | Nintendo64 |
50 | Gran Turismo | PlayStation |
51 | Gran Turismo 2 | PlayStation |
52 | Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec | PS2 |
53 | Grand Theft Auto III | PS2 |
54 | Grand Theft Auto IV & Episodes from Liberty City | PS3 |
55 | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories | PS2 |
56 | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | PS2 |
57 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | PS2 |
58 | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories | PS2 |
59 | Grind Session | PlayStation |
60 | Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock | PS2 |
61 | Hard Rock Casino | PS2 |
62 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | GBA |
63 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | GBA |
64 | Herdy Gerdy | PS2 |
65 | High Rollers Casino | XBOX |
66 | High School Musical 3: Senior Year DANCE | PS2 |
67 | Hitman: Blood Money | PS2 |
68 | Hitman: Contracts | PS2 |
69 | Hot Shots Tennis | PS2 |
70 | IHRA Drag Racing | PlayStation |
71 | IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005 | XBOX |
72 | Jak 2 | PS2 |
73 | Jak 3 | PS2 |
74 | Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | PS2 |
75 | Katamari Damacy | PS2 |
76 | Kingdom Hearts | PS2 |
77 | Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days | NintendoDS |
78 | Kingdom Hearts II | PS2 |
79 | Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories | PS2 |
80 | Legend of Zelda, The: Collector's Edition | GameCube |
81 | Legend of Zelda, The: The Wind Waker | GameCube |
82 | Luigi's Mansion | GameCube |
83 | Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga | GBA |
84 | Mario Party 7 | GameCube |
85 | Mary-Kate and Ashley: Girls Night Out | GBA |
86 | Metal Gear Solid | PlayStation |
87 | Metal Gear Solid 2 | PS2 |
88 | Metal Gear Solid 3 | PS2 |
89 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots | PS3 |
90 | Midnight Club II | XBOX |
91 | Midway Arcade Treasures 3 | XBOX |
92 | Mortal Kombat Trilogy | PlayStation |
93 | Mortal Kombat: Special Forces | PlayStation |
94 | Mountain Bike Adrenaline | PS2 |
95 | NASCAR '98 | PlayStation |
96 | NASCAR '99 | PlayStation |
97 | NCAA Football 2005/Top Spin | XBOX |
98 | NCAA Football 2008 | XBOX |
99 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) | PS3 |
100 | Need for Speed: Underground | XBOX |
101 | Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch | PS3 |
102 | Oni | PS2 |
103 | Outlaw Golf | GameCube |
104 | PlayStation Demo Disc 41 | PlayStation |
105 | PlayStation Demo Disc 9 | PlayStation |
106 | Pokémon FireRed | GBA |
107 | Pokémon LeafGreen | GBA |
108 | Pokémon Sapphire | GBA |
109 | Pokémon Stadium | Nintendo64 |
110 | Portal 2 | PS3 |
111 | Prince of Persia | PS3 |
112 | Project Gotham Racing | XBOX |
113 | Project Gotham Racing 2 | XBOX |
114 | Quake | Nintendo64 |
115 | Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal | PS2 |
116 | Raw Danger! | PS2 |
117 | Rock Band: Metal Track Pack | PS3 |
118 | Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012 | PlayStation |
119 | Romancing SaGa | PS2 |
120 | RPG Maker 3 | PS2 |
121 | Rugrats: Search for Reptar | PlayStation |
122 | Sega Genesis Collection | PS2 |
123 | Sega Superstars Tennis | PS2 |
124 | Shrek: Reekin' Havoc | GBA |
125 | Sonic Heroes | PS2 |
126 | Sonic Mega Collection | GameCube |
127 | Sonic Unleashed | PS2 |
128 | Spyro the Dragon | PlayStation |
129 | Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly | PS2 |
130 | Spyro: The Legend of: A New Beginning | PS2 |
131 | Spyro: The Legend of: The Eternal Night | PS2 |
132 | Stake: Fortune Fighters | XBOX |
133 | Star Ocean: Till the End of Time | PS2 |
134 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars/Tetris Worlds | XBOX |
135 | Strike Point | PlayStation |
136 | Super Mario 64 | Nintendo64 |
137 | Super Mario Advance 4 | GBA |
138 | Th3 Plan | PS2 |
139 | The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion | PS3 |
140 | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | PS3 |
141 | The King of Fighters XI | PS2 |
142 | The Sims | PS2 |
143 | The Sims 2 | PS2 |
144 | The Sly Collection | PS3 |
145 | Thunder Truck Rally | PlayStation |
146 | Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder | XBOX |
147 | Tomb Raider | PlayStation |
148 | Tomb Raider II | PlayStation |
149 | TouchMaster Connect | NintendoDS |
150 | Trigger Man | PS2 |
151 | Twisted Metal 4 | PlayStation |
152 | Ultimate Board Game Collection | PS2 |
153 | Unlimited Saga | PS2 |
154 | Virtua Fighter 4 | PS2 |
155 | WWF Smackdown! | PlayStation |
156 | WWF Wrestlemania | Nintendo64 |
157 | XBOX Demo Disc 13 | XBOX |
158 | XBOX Demo Disc 22 | XBOX |
159 | XBOX Demo Disc 28 | XBOX |
160 | XBOX Demo Disc 30 | XBOX |
161 | Xenosaga | PS2 |
162 | Xenosaga II | PS2 |
Starting next Monday (July 1, 2013), I am going to try and finish every game I own before the end of 2013. In those 184 days, I will make it a priority to defeat the bosses, eliminate the targets, solve the puzzles, and win the races that I have spent 15+ years collecting. My 44.4% game completion percentage will no longer be so low. I will once again have that 100%!
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What is this blog for, then? Well, I hope to write or film my progress on reaching my goal. I hope to also write my feelings and opinions about those games I complete. That way I can both entertain and educate those interested in someone else's opinions about video games. I want this to also be a place for other people with opinions about games to come together and just have some great discussions about games. I find that discussions about games to be as entertaining as playing the actual games themselves. And if you learn a little bit about me in the process, more power to you.
Why am I starting this blog a week before the actual project's start date? I am starting it early to get readers to offer their picks for what game I play first. I am known to go to extravagant lengths to decide what game I game. Pick a number from a hat, roll a die, use random number generator programs, asking friends on Facebook and forums, etc. So, leave a comment here or in one the many ways to reach me with your pick(s). Then if I pick your choice, I will be sure to give you a shoutout or some other prize in a possible more tangible way.
Well, I think that's about enough for this intro post. I have a blog over on a gaming forum, and it tends to ramble on and on way more than it should. I will try not to let this one do the same.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy reading (or watching, I may make a vlog from time to time) about my journey as much as I hope to to enjoy being on it!
Michael, aka me3lingual, aka 情郎
6 Months,
Video Games,
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